After the furious man had driven off , a ball of fat came out from a store and ran towards Andy's car that was about moving.

"Big bro,wait!"Geebie hollered.

When he got to Andy, he was sweating.

"As i said you are a disgrace to bigs" said Andy.

"?????????--When did he ever mention that? Poor me!" Geebie sadly thought but he couldn't give up just like that . He had worked so hard to come this far!

"What are you doing here?"

"Big bro,you said i should run after your car and so i did."

Andy nodded.

"i can see that. You'd do better at being a car thief."

'I'm not a car thief! Well---i--i only threw him out. I planned to return it and i already did."

"So you did use a car. "

"You didn't tell me not to.What matters is that i caught up. Isn't that what's important?"

Geebie shamelessly asked while Andy nodded again.

"You've really grown wings.And big ones at that!"

"Thank for the compliment!So are we now best buddies again?"

"Hmmm-----for now let's just continue to be acquaintances"

"Acquaintances?" Geebie asked in disbelief.