Karakuri Island

Ever since leaving that Island two things have happened. One is I began to train my devil fruit. Being a baby has perks meaning I have plenty of time to study my own fruit. Of course this training is just me meditating and observing the changes of my body when I activate my fruit. I don't want to put my ideas into effect yet or else people will think I am a monster but it doesn't stop me from using the fruit on myself and seeing how far my power can extend. Currently I can expand a 'field' around me up to two meters. This unnerves some people but they all accept the excuse that 'The baby can't control his powers' after all I am the absolute youngest person to have a devil fruit power, and technically, to them, I shouldn't even know I had these powers as I am a baby.

The second thing to happen is Vegapunk spends more time around me. This lead me to learn that he can actually talk normally so long as he is talking about science. Of course many of the things he talks about I don't understand, after all I was a business man not a scientist. Still with my eidetic memory, and perhaps my body being a babies, I absorb everything he says like a sponge to water.

it was qquite scary when we passed over the calm belt. I mean I have only just begun my second life and this was Sea Kings nesting grounds. Good news is none popped up while crossing. After a few more weeks of travel we arrive in a Winter Island, Karakuri Island. The old woman bundles me up in an extra layer as we land at the port.

"We live here. Kakakuri Island. Future Country Baldimore." My 'dad' began to tell me. He never did listen when people said I couldn't understand to the point they gave up and let him be. One marine asked "Why do you treat him like he can understand you?" to which I heard my dad say "Feeling. Eyes very intelligent." He may have low EQ but bloody hell his intuition seems to be quite high!

We go back to dads lab here. I guess he hasn't built a lab on Punk Hazard yet. When we do arrive though we get a guest very quickly his name, Vinesmoke Judge. "You kept me waiting an awful long time Vegapunk" Dad looks at him "Ah. Yes research is done." Vinesmoke grins and follows us inside

"What's with the baby?" I guess he couldn't help but ask "Is he one of your experiments" Sentomaru puts his axe to Vinesmokes neck Vegapunk has a dangerous aura coming off him as well. Vinesmoke has never once seen or even heard about the Doctor being angry so he can't help feel sweat roll down his brow "He is my son" says Vegapunk. I admit I am quite touched by this it is here the I began seriously taking him as my father. I mean not just anyone would have a falling out with the number one mercenary of the North blue over a single sentence.

"Cough I uh congratulations. I am sorry if I was rude" Judge wasn't afraid of anyone here currently but Vegapunk was important to the marines, and himself, he wasn't going to make an enemy out of all the marines in the world just because he couldn't apologize. Vegapunk nods to Sentomaru signalling him to back down. Then we finally enter into dads lab.

Dad seems in a bit of a rush to send Judge away so he hands over the experimental data on the Bloodline Lineage as soon as he could. I was interested in this research though since that voice did say I was given a unique bloodline lineage. I'll ask dad about it when I am older.

Since that day dad has tried his best to do all he can to be a good father. He got got me toys, made sure to make some thermal clothes for me since I don't like the cold, made me pets, yes MADE me pets. Though he doesn't really seem to like trying to hold me. I never seen him without his mask but I am sure he had a panicked expression when he was asked if he wanted to hold me.

So five months after I was found I could already walk, at six months I could speak a little, by seven months I was already reading. And finally one year after dad found me I was working as his assistant in his lab. Nothing to big just handing him tools while listening to him talk about what he is doing.

Today was my birthday, we marked it down as the day dad found me. It is actually my first birthday I have celebrated ever since my parents in my last life passed away. Dad worked really hard to make me a cybernetic dog who will act as my playmate, friend, and protector. The old lady who took care of me as a baby wrote me a story book filled with stories she was told by her parents. Sentomaru didn't seem good at gift giving since what he gave me was a martial artist Gi. Some of the citizens and marines also gave me a few gifts. It was a great day with a great big cake! I have always loved sweets even in my last life.

All in all it is pretty nice living here. Dad talks to me more and in more complete sentences. The citizens treat me nice since I am Vegapunks son. Some of the marines here have children of their own so they treat me especially well. Sentomaru, though he looks really stoic and cold, is always worried about my safety. It is kinda funny though since I never cared much for him in the series but to think he had this side to him. No one looks down on me for being an orphan.