world of blurein and mysterious places

I reach the library, I see a man guarding the door than I go to him.

guard see a young man coming towards him and he wearing royal clothes. he try to think where he see him. well vigneer spend lots of his time in meditation to gather riatsu to unlock his zanpakuto.

vigneer: Mr guard can you open the door of library.

guard: sorry Mr. but only his majesty has the permission to enter.

vigneer: so I need permission of my father to enter.

guard: father!!!..are you prince vigneer.

vigneer: my name vigneer tellore and yes I am a prince.

guard : I am sorry your highness. I should cut my neck .

vigneer: no no it's alright just I want to enter library.

guard: thanks for this forgiveness your highness. I open the door.

vigneer:OK but don't let anyone disturb me except my butler burl or my maid fogi.

guard: as your command your highness.

vigneer than go ahead than see that this Library is quite big then he go to some random shelf and book name "mysterious places of blurein" and search for book about blurein world "planet of blurein" by Mr black.

than he started to read about this world.

blurein world has 4 continents each continent is divided by different races and rule by each king. races that are most dominant are human,demon,elves and beast man.

each races has a guardian but humans are different some say they summoned heroes from another world and they power than ordinary humans by a Hugh margin.

there are many wars between human and demon from many year's and finally they form a treaty between all races that no one attack any races and this treaty is form by oath from ancient dragon king so that they stop the meaning less war. this form a peace between all races but some say they have idea to break the oath to conquer other races and mostly the most traitorous and bad ass person are human king Christopher . he want to conquer all races above him. some say he try to kidnap beast man princess but rumors are always rumors no one has proofs.

vigneer than read the book called "mysterious places of blurein".there are total 7 mysterious places whole world but only 2 are present in whole continent first place called frozen forest. frozen forest is covered with ice in everywhere and fog that you can't even see whose behind it. some say in this forest there are treasure. many going to enter this forest but no one return some tried to find them but they also not return.

2nd place death island. death island is a place that filled with a aura that directly kills a person then blood comes out from eyes,ears and nose.

this place also dangerous because there are undead everywhere just mindless monsters who only know eat.

some say there are power sealed inside them to get power of ancient necromancer job to control undead that is extinct long ago like dragons.

vigneer: what a shocking thing are there in this book .mysterious places I think I should go their to check what are they and start my adventure.

OK first thing is complete I get minimum knowledge about this world. tomorrow I think I should train become in this world like a jungle strong will survive and weak will die.