Chapter 27


Oh no! my panic attack is coming back. My body started growing numb and I let out a loud scream while clenching onto my chest then blacked out.


Ben's POV...

It's been five days since I confessed to Anna how much I love her and she still hadn't replied. Not that I want to rush her or anything or get a positive reply, I just want her to know I truly love her and that I'll always be here, waiting for her. I love her so much. I remember the day we wore the same denim jacket in college, I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She is so beautiful, always have been and I loved her the way she was... natural. But I still love her now though because it's not the physical appearance but the heart. She is really nice and caring. I want her to give me a chance.

While I was still thinking about her, I heard a loud scream coming from across the hall and I quickly got out only to find an unconscious Anna lying on the floor. Oh my God! "ANNA! ANNA WAKE UP PLEASE! WAKE UP! MS WILLIAMS" she came running towards us. "Get my keys and open the door." I said panicking. Anna please don't leave me. I can't afford to lose another loved one please, stay with me. I lifted her up in a bridal style and headed to the car. I quickly rushed to the driver's seat while Ms Williams stayed behind with Anna.

Within seconds, I found myself in the hospital and watched as they rolled her away in a stretcher. I was pacing back and forth the hallway. I saw nurses rushing in and out of the ward. "What's happening?" I asked one but she ignored me. I felt guilty for what's happening right now. If I had known, I would have slept in her room. I was having a bad feeling something bad would happen but I ignored the feeling. Look where that got me into. She's been taking her drugs consecutively so what went wrong? Kelly said I should give her her panic attack pills only when she's having one and she haven't had one since the last incident at the hospital. Oh God let nothing bad happen to Anna. I love her so much. I cannot lose anymore loved one, please Lord. Anna stay strong for me please.

I was frantically running mad staying here for almost an hour. Ms Williams came up to me and pulled me into a hug "She will be fine okay? Try to calm down a bit. We'll hear from her soon, don't you worry."

"I can't lose anymore person to death, I can't. I've lost way too much" she reached up and wiped the tears I didn't even know were there. I've hated hospitals since twelve years ago. I can't bear to see another cold and still body covered in white cloth. No! Anna don't give up. You're a fighter. You can do this.

After God-knows-how-long, Kelly came out of the ward. I rushed up to him and before I could ask he smiled deeply "It was a near call. She had a panic attack and if you had brought her later than that she would have died as well as the baby."


"Yes, she's five days pregnant and I think that must have added to the crisis she had coupled with the fact that she took caffeine. Congrats man" he gave me a bro hug with a pat on the back.

"Can I see her now?"

"Of course. She's still sleeping though"

Pregnant?! We only had sex once without—Realization suddenly hit me. We didn't use protection...She's fucking pregnant. Oh my God and it's my child. It is... I know that. Wow! I'm fucking excited... but why didn't she tell me? She would have told me if she knew, right? Was she planning on hiding me from my child? Why the hell did she drink coffee? Did she plan on killing the baby? Nah, I doubt that. She probably didn't know

She was sleeping peacefully on the bed in the VIP room I paid for. I didn't want inconveniences. I took her hands in mine and stared at her beautiful sleeping face. She's so adorable. I brought her hand up and kissed it. I stayed in that position for a while before climbing into the bed. I laid close to her and whispered "I love you" into her ears before finally sleeping.



I woke up to a shuffling sound beside me When I tilted my head, a pair of sea blue eyes met mine. "Good morning sunshine" my voice was hoarse.


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Uhh... what– what am I doing here?" "You.. you... had a panic attack last night but you're fine now" I paused. "And so is the baby"

She shot me a confused look and I know she didn't know about the baby. "Bbb... a.. baby? W... what baby? I'm not...OMG! No No No... this can't be.. NO. I'm not ready for this. No! I can't do this"

"Ssh ssh.. relax okay? You're fine. OUR baby is fine and you are gonna be a great mother. Don't worry yourself too much about it. I don't want you having yet another attack." It seemed I calmed her a bit and I pulled her into my chest "I love you."

"I love you too" I chocked on air, I mean literally.

"You said what?"

She chuckled "I love you Ben"

"Oh my f**king god! I love you more... I love you so much Anna. HELL!" I said giving her kisses all over her body. "You don't know how happy you just made me. I love you...I love you...I love you" I said happily as I kissed every single part of her face then her lips and sucked on it before pulling away. "You heard that little boy, mommy said she loves daddy and I love mommy more" I said with a playful baby voice and placed small kisses all over her stomach while caressing it. "I love you little boy"

"Ar-erm... It's a girl NOT a boy"

"It's a boy"

"A girl"

"A boy"

"A girl"

"A girl"

"A boy"

"Ahhh! You said it yourself. It's a boy"

"Argh... dammit you sly fellow" she playfully hit my arm.

"What can I say? I'm the master"

"Keep on deceiving yourself dick"

"Language kitten, you don't want to corrupt our little boy's mind, do you?"

"Yeah yeah" she pouted.

"You look so cute and irresistible when you pout" She flushed "And you look even cuter when you blush"

"Oh stop it"

"Come here kitten" I reached out and kissed her. Not a rough but a slow, itchy and lustful kiss. I was hovering over her and was about to take her dress off when Ms Williams came into the room.

"Oops sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"No" "Yes" the both of us said in unison.

"Oh well, I came to drop off breakfast as well as a change of clothes for both of you." She turned to face Anna as she asks, "Anna darling how are you feeling now? Any better?"

"Yeah, I'm great"

"Take care of yourself and our little Prince Charming" she giggled like a highschool girl and left the room after dropping the bags on the small table. I couldn't keep such huge secret from Ms Williams. I haven't hidden anything from her once and I won't do that now.

"So what were we doing?" I say in a seductive voice.

"About to eat breakfast."

"Ouch" I said clenching onto my chest dramatically.