Chapter 38

There's nothing much to say about the last chapter but here it goes...


Anna is recovering quickly. Ella and Ms Williams paid them a visit. She will be discharged from the hospital as soon as the discharge papers were signed.


Anna's POV...

John picked us up from the hospital and we're currently in the house. Ben is out at work and Ella, Ms Williams and I are having a little girl's day. Ms Williams told us alot of interesting stories about her childhood, college and we equally told her about ours. We ordered lunch which was 4 boxes of pepperoni pizza and a bucket of grilled chicken wings– my favorite. We watched series of romantic movies and we were currently watching an action movie. Men I love such movies. We watched the movie peacefully while Ms Williams made remarks about certain scenes in the film like "Wow! She's such a crazy driver. Who knew women could drive this perfectly." "Oh shit! He's going to burst her legs with that. I can't watched this." "Just check out how they wasted the dude." We burst into a fit of laughter.

By the end of the movie Ben was already at the house with Jones. "Hey babe" he said as he grabbed my waist and kissed me on the lips.

"Hey" I deepened the kiss and dug my hand into his hair and he groaned causing Jones and Ella to chuckle while Ms Williams shoved her into the kitchen.

"How was your day"

"It was fantastic, we watched about 4 movies before you came back."


"Yup...Pepperoni pizza and chicken wings" sending him a wink.

"And where's mine?" he asked seductively.

"Somewhere inside here" gesturing to my stomach.

"Hmm I see. How's my little boy doing?"

"She's fine"

He chuckled before replying "It's a boy, you'll see"

"A girl"

"Boy, don't argue with me I'm the father"

"Girl don't argue with me I'm the mother" I said using equally the same tone as him which caused us to laugh. He leant down and kissed my still flat stomach and rubbed where he kissed.



Anna's POV...

"C'mon Mom, just let me sleep. We can do that tomorrow."

"No we can't. Your wedding is on Saturday and you're going to take your measurements today. We need to get everything ready soon"

"Listen to your mother babe. She's right. If you take your measurements today then you can sleep tomorrow. You'll do your pedicure, manicure and go shoe shopping on Wednesday and rest up Thursday and Friday for the grand day on Saturday. You literally are not doing anything stressful other than these."

"Ugh... fine. I'll just get changed."

My parents arrived here a week ago and has been living with us rather than an hotel since there's enough space for one more. Isa slept in my ex-room while my parents slept in the guest room opposite Ms Williams'. I can't believe I'll be getting married in five days. About a month and 2 weeks ago, I would've doubted it but it's actually happening. My bump is already showing although it's still small but there's a tiny little bump. It feels alot more real you know, now that I can feel the bump compared to a week ago. I now feel like I have a life growing inside of me and I can and will do anything to protect him or her, even if it's going to cost my life.

I slipped on a large Tee tucked loosely into a pair of mom jean which I folded up, wore a matching lace up sandal and hung a purse across my chest. I pulled my hair into a bun and applied zero makeup. "I'm ready mom" I said to her as I walked out of the closet. Ben wasn't here so I figured he must be busy doing the wedding preps.

"Let's get going then."


After taking my wedding dress measurements, I decided to go shoe shopping with my mom, Isa and Ms Williams. I ended up purchasing a pair of silver Louboutin degrastrass heel, a black Aldo ankle strap heel for Isa and a beige Zara feather heels for my mom and Ms Williams.

Both her and Isa would go clothes shopping with Ms Williams tomorrow while I sleep but I decided against it and did that with them today. Isa bought a short navy blue cocktail dress and my mom bought a sexy purple chiffon off the shoulder full length gown while Ms Williams colour was medium pink. The dresses were so beautiful as well as the shoes. I can't wait for my own dress to be ready. *chuckle*


So I'm like literally getting married on Saturday and it's to my Mr Perfect, my Prince Charming, my baby dadda, *chuckles* my Ben. This is so freaking fantastic.

"Seems like someone's in a good mood today" Ella said as she walked into the room.

"What do you want bitch?" I groaned.

"Hmm... nothing much just wanted to see how my favorite best friend is doing" she replied with a wink.

"Okay first of all I'm your ONLY best friend, secondly you're up to something or should I say you know something. So spill"

"It's not—"

"You know when you say 'it's nothing' it means there's something right? So don't lie to me bitch. I know something's up. Start spilling"

"So last night Mrs Jasmine, Jones' maid called me to come over that she doesn't know what was going on with Jones that he was having a seizure, an attack or something, I dunno and he wouldn't step out of his room. She tried calling him to open up the doors but he wouldn't. She said she didn't know what to do.

Soon I was flying down to road to his place only for me to get to his room and it was fully decorated. 'So much for rushing down here' I remarked rolling my eyes as I felt a shuffle sound behind me. I turned swiftly and my eyes met a black box which had in it a diamond ring then my gaze shifted to Mrs Jasmine who was filming this and then back to the ring and his eyes. He started saying things about how he first met me and I was rude to him even though I knew he was my boss and shit and he gradually fell for me and couldn't wait any longer to make me this legal and official and how much he loves me and has never loved anyone like this before and hell I was in cloud nine. I didn't know when I was crying and I screamed 'yes' which earned me a huge grin from him, one I haven't seen before and he slipped the ring into my finger."

She paused for a second, "Tada! Check it out!" She said grinning from ear to ear as she showed me the diamond ring on her finger.

"Wow! it's beautiful" I was admiring the ring when Ben walked into the room holding a bag of...snacks! Yay! I was starving.

Before I could say anything Ben interrupted me "Ella! I knew you would be here. Congrats on your engagement. That boy finally grew some balls to actually do it. He's been bugging me about it. 'Will she say yes?' 'Or no?' 'Will she run away?' 'What if she turns me down?' 'What will I do then?' 'If she says no, I'll die' blablabla. Took alot of time and encouragement for him to actually do it"

She was giggling like crazy and her cheeks were already pink due to embarrassment. Crazy ass. "Congrats B. Welcome to the engaged club" I said with a huge smile while hugging her.

"Oh shut it bitch, you're getting married in five days so you're no longer in the engaged club, I am"

"The same thing"

"How's my little boy doing?"

"Oh fine fine. Making me eat alot"

"Yeah I can tell by how much you've added in such a short notice"

"Oh puh-lease Stop exaggerating"
