Don't give up on her. Don't lose hope. She's a fighter, Ben. She will love you again, trust me."



Anna's POV...

Four months... Four freaking months and I am back on my feet and ready to go back home. Ella was with me and so was my mother and my adorable Alfred. Mom said Dad stayed back and would come back with Isa when she was done with her exams for the semester. I still can't believe Isa was done with high school and she's in her second year in college. Wow! Time sure does run fast.

Mrs Grace helped me pack my things. She wasn't going back home with me because the doctor said I was okay but should avoid tiresome activities. Ella was carrying Alfred and we were heading out when I suddenly remembered I don't own a car.

I turned to Ella, "How are we going to go home?"

"Oh huh... Ben's taking us home."

At the mention of that name, I suddenly felt a lump forming in my throat. I hated him so much. How could someone just claim to be my husband right out of nowhere and I won't remember? Sure I did have a son but I doubt it was with him and even if he's the father, he sure as hell is definitely NOT my husband. I must have had him out of wedlock which I'm cool with but I don't need some low class douche claiming he's my husband when I know for sure he isn't and will NEVER be. He's just so irksome to be with me.

As we got out of the hospital, there was a black SUV waiting for us. Mr Brown eyes and irksome douche came out to opened the front door for me but I rolled my eyes at him as I opened the back door and climbed into the car.

I couldn't help but notice his reaction when Alfred saw him. He struggled out of Ella's grip as he leaned into Mr Brown eyes "Dadda"

He threw him into air and caught him back. "Hey buddy, how are you?"

"Pwine" he said flashing him a toothy grin.

I couldn't help but get lost at how adorable they both looked. No! That's wrong! He's a stupid douche! When I looked back at them, he was ruffling Alfred's hair. That's it!

I got out of the car and grabbed my son from him and glared at him "DON'T TOUCH MY SON AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?" Ella and my mom quickly gasped at my sudden outburst but I didn't care. I took Alfred and sat at the last seat of the SUV and waited for the others to get in. Soon they did and the drive to the house was quiet which was weird but I liked it.


We pulled up in front of a huge house, probably a four bedroom duplex or five even. I shrugged as I took in the beauty of the house. As soon as I stepped in, a woman who should be in her late forties approached me while smiling, "Oh Anna dear, welcome home. I made your favorite, Chicken taquitos. You'll love it" she grinned from ear to ear and I could see tears glistening in her eyes but I just shrugged it. I hugged her back and I already liked her, she seems friendly even though she acts like she's known me for quite some time now.

"Uhh... sorry, you must be?"

"Ms Williams,"

"But you can call me Carol if you wish"

"Ms Williams is fine by me"

"No problem dear." She smiled softly before going back inside the house to god-knows-where.

I was lost gaping at the house and something felt so familiar about it but I couldn't make out what it was. I was brought out of my thought when someone cleared his throat. Of course, 'Mr Brown eyed douche'. "I'll just uhh... take you on a tour around the house."

"I'll find my way" I snapped back and it made Alfred flinch in my arms while he was sleeping. I sighed and looked back at Mr Brown eyed douche, "Where's his room? I want to lay him there." My voice was quite cold and I liked it. That's the best way to treat people like him who know no shame.

"Right this way" He led me through a staircase and into a room with boyish designs. Blue walls with light blue cloud-like designs on it. On one side of the wall was a drawing of Spongebob and Patrick, on the other was that of Tom and Jerry while behind was a drawing of Marvel superheroes. Wow! So cool... His bed was a red car with the drawing of The Incredibles on it. This is so cool and it's what I would want for my son. It speaks my taste and I love it. Well, I'm not going to let Mr Brown eyed douche know that of course. I moved swiftly to the bed or should I say car *chuckles* and laid Alfred on it. Then I pulled the blanket to cover him.

As I walked out of the room, I noticed Ella carried a sleeping child in her arms. "I... it's that yours?"

She chuckled before replying, "Yeah"

"Wow, she's so beautiful. You told me stories about her yet you refused to let me see her. You're such a bitch" I rolled my eyes playfully.

She chuckled, "She was with her grandma."

"Okay I'll let this one pass."

I gave her a knowing look with which she giggled as she stared down her phone, "I'll be going now. My baby papa needs me." She winked at me and it was my turn to giggle.


At last, I let him show me around the house ONLY because it's his house and I don't know my way around it yet. I had entered all three rooms; Ms Williams', Alfred's and the guest room. I guess mine is the guest room but was shocked when I stepped into the last room and I literally saw my being in the room, I mean seriously everything in the room seems like me and it seems like I've lived in it before. I gasp when I saw my properties neatly arranged in the room. "And this is–" He paused and took a deep breath. Before he could complete his sentence, I lashed out and he was taken aback.

"What the hell! Do not tell me I lived in the same room as you!" He didn't reply. Oh my God! "This is Insane! You're lying. I accept the fact that you claim to be my child's 'father' and live under the same roof but you're taking things way too far! What the actual f*ck is your problem? I AM NEVER LIVING IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU AND THAT IS FINAL. I AM MOVING TO THE GUEST ROOM OR IF POSSIBLE, I'LL LIVE WITH MY SON! But you–" I paused to laugh sarcastically, "You must be dreaming boy"

With that, I flung my hair right at his face and dashed towards the walk-in closet. "You even put our clothes all in one place! You're a freaking psycho!" I brought out a blue box and started throwing my clothes inside. There's no way in hell I'm living in his room. I've tried enough to live in his house. How much more does he want, Geez! So annoying. It seems I had more clothes here so I brought out a duffel bag and shoved my shoes in it. With one last glance at the closet seeing everything there was his, I stormed out of the closet and met him still rooted to the same spot with his head hung low. I scoffed and stormed out of the room while bumping my shoulder with his.

I dragged my bags along the hallway into Alfred's room. I sighed when I saw how peaceful he looked in his sleep. I moved over to him and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you baby" I dropped my bags beside his toy Range Rover and laid on his bed. Wow! Didn't expect to fit in the bed. I pulled him closer to me and slowly I fell asleep while holding my baby in my arms.


I woke up to the feeling of someone poking my breast and stomach while giggling. I slowly opened my eyes only to find Alfred staring at me with amused eyes. "Hey buddy"

"Dadda calls me buddy" he grinned from ear to ear. On the mention of 'Dadda' I became infuriated but didn't want to show it in front of my little boy. Don't want to scare him after being away for two freaking years.

I only smiled softly at him, "How are you baby"

"Pwine Mamma"

"Sleep well, yeah?" He nodded continuously while smiling and he looked to cute and just like me. "Aren't you an adorable thing?" I said using a baby voice while pinching his cheeks. He blushed and his look replicated mine when I blush. I can't believe I have a smaller male version of me.


"Yes baby"

"I wanno bathe" I chuckled at his use of words,

"Okay. Do you 'wanno' bathe with mommy?" I asked imitating his tone.

"Yes yes yes"

I chuckled at his childishness, "Let's go then".

I wanted to help him remove his clothes but he stopped me, "Dadda taught me how to do it."

I watched in amusement as he pulled his shorts down then his shirt followed by his socks before looking at me with those adorable eyes of his. I pulled my hair into a messy bun as I went into the bathroom with him.


Right in cue Ms Williams came into the room, "Hey kiddo, it's time to eat breakfast. Daddy's waiting for you."

"Let's go baby"
