After downing the milk I dropped the empty glass on the sink (*mental note* wash it in the morning) and made my way upstairs only to be stopped by a shadow who sat on the couch in the living room. I could tell it was Ben... I guess I have to talk to him least to apologize.



Ben's POV...

After talking with Anna, I found it difficult to sleep. I felt like I shouldn't have said those words to her but I just couldn't bear it. I went to the living room and sat there just to think while holding onto a bottle of wine. I know it's dumb and shit for me to drink, being that my son is here and drinking is unhealthy for me but pfft! Who cares?

I heard her walk down the stairs into the kitchen and then back out. I didn't want to force myself on her but I'll never stop. I'll be patient and loving to her but she only makes things difficult for me. Her attitude towards me alone is enough to drive me crazy. She only looks at Alfred. She hates me, literally and it hurts. How could she just–


I looked up to see her only inches away from me. "Sup" I slurred. F*ck the intoxicating alcohol.

"A... are you okay?"

"Are you really trying to strike a conversation with me?" The smirk playing on my lips and my speech slurred.

She sighed as she took a seat beside me. She was so close that if I moved my knee sideways, they would touch hers. Yeah, that close. "I'm sorry."

I looked at her like she had two heads before nudging her to continue.

"I am sorry for uhh... for treating you badly and calling you all sorts of hurtful names. I am sorry for the pain I caused you and all the worries that I gave you while I was in coma. I am sorry for acting like a complete bitch and for uhh... for everything. I'm really sorry."

I stared at her and then my gaze fell to her lips and all I could think of was to kiss it but I couldn't. As high as I was, I know better than to spoil the good relationship that was gradually been built between us. I looked at her eyes again only to find an emotion in it. One I can't really decipher. Her face had always been emotionless ever since and it feels good to finally see an emotion.

She smiled softly at me and that made me actually glad. I smiled back at her but the smile faded when I saw how she stared at the bottle I was holding. She looked back at me then at the bottle before leaning down to remove it from my hands. Normally I would've refused but I wasn't in control of my body again. She dropped the empty bottle beside her before scooting closer to me.

She placed her hand on my head, "You're going to have a fever" She sighed before she involuntarily stood up and helped me up too. "You should go to bed now and sleep. Drinking will only make you more...," she trailed in her speech but quickly stopped herself. I threw my hand around her shoulder and she placed hers on my waist as she guided me to my room.


Anna's POV...

I gently placed him on his bed and pulled the blanket up. He was so peaceful in his sleep and I couldn't help but run my fingers through his already messy hair like he's been running his hands on it all day.

He stirred in his sleep which made me turn around to leave when he spoke up again, "Anna?"


"Can you please lay with me?" WTF! There is no way in hell I was going to–


I sighed and ended up laying on my side, my back to him. He scooted closer and draped an arm around my waist to pull me even closer to him. At first it was awkward but I gradually felt secure and more at peace in his arms. My eyelids started growing heavy as I drifted off into sleep.


Anna's POV...

I woke up with the certain urge to pee when I felt a pair of strong arms pinned me to the bed. I looked down at the peaceful Ben when the events of last night came crashing back to me. Ugh... I can't believe I fell for his vulnerability. But he was cute though and I don't regret it. Hell! What's wrong with me? I looked around the room at the designs it had and it was awfully familiar.

*Memories of me laughing with someone while doing a pillow fight came to me and I clenched my head tightly as the headache banged my head*

I let out a groan. What the hell was that? Geez! And who was I doing a pillow fight with and in the same f*cking room??! Double Geez! I groaned again loudly, this time because it woke him up. I turned to look at him and he just eyed me with a confused, yet shocked expression. Damn! He doesn't know what happened yesterday and I don't know why decided to sleep with him.

I rubbed my hands against my face and let out a sigh of frustration. I got out of bed and luckily he let me. I turned the door knob and have him one last look and he was still confused but a smile was tugging at his lip. I smiled back at him, "Good morning" I turned around and left the room.


After taking a long hot shower, I wore a jumpsuit and Spongebob slippers then went downstairs for breakfast. I was welcomed by a grinning Ben and a laughing Alfred who was playing with a car. I didn't even notice the Range Rover wasn't in the room. I took in the sight of them both and it was so cute that I couldn't resist the urge to take a picture of them. I don't know why but after that 'conversation' with Ben, I somewhat had kinda like a soft spot for him and I... like him? What the hell is wrong with me?! Just one HOT conversation and boom! I like the guy. Now I am weird. I don't even know how–

"Mamma Mamma Mamma" I was brought out of my thoughts when he was tugging at my leg and calling me.

I knelt down to his level and ruffled his hair, "Hey buddy, how are you?"

"I am pwine mommy"

Mommy? OMG I think I'm gonna cry. I kissed his cheeks and pulled him into a hug, "I love you baby"

"I love you too mommy."

I can't take it anymore... I let the tears flow down my cheeks until he wiggled out of my embrace. "Mommy, let's play with daddy" I looked up to find Ben staring at me with a smile. Jerk! He probably must have remembered what happened last night.

"Hey" I said as I sat beside him while Alfred played with his toys.




"So... uhh about last ni–"

"I was drunk. I didn't know what I was saying or doing. And uhh... I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you." Inconvenienced me?! Where the hell is that coming from? I haven't slept like that, so peaceful and secure in a while. What's he saying?

"It's okay. No problem."



"Thank you."


"Thank you for sleeping with me uhh... last night." he said shyly as he scratched the back of his neck.

I placed my hands on his shoulder and he looked at me, "It's no big deal. So how's the hangover?"

"Nothing Aspirin can't fix right?" I chuckled, "But the headache is a killer."

"Well next time you won't drink Mr Brown eyes." I said in between laughter while nudging his shoulder. His laugh quieted down and I looked at at him only to find him staring at me with...lust? Wow! I quickly diverted my gaze and it landed on Alfred who was now pouting as he tried to get in his car but failed.

"Hey buddy, let me help you with that." I got up from my sitting position and help him get into the car with which he giggled. I pecked his cheek and turned around and Ben still had that piercing look which made me self-conscious.

"Breakfast is served everyone." Ms Williams said as she walked into the living room which made Ben tear his gaze from me. Thank God!
