Chapter 3: Battle for the Girl


As Aizen had arrived to Karakura and started to fight against the Shinigami and the Vizards, the fated fight started.Ichigo, blinded by rage when he saw Grimmjow kissing Orihime, transformed into his Vizard form shocking Grimmjow and punching him in the guts.

It sent the Espada flying on a few meters as Orihime gasped.

"W-Wait ICHIGO!!"She screamed but he couldn't hear her.He pointed his Zanpakuto at Grimmjow and glared at him.

"Y-You....YOU WILL PAY!!"


The projectile barely grazed Grimmjow who appeared in front of Ichigo and kicked his ribs, he continued with an uppercut and a slash to Ichigo's torso.


The ray was narrowly dodged by Ichigo who rushed at Grimmjow, both their swords clashed while they tried to push each other.Grimmjow was stronger so he pushed back Ichigo and sent him flying with a high-kick.He then got into a low stance and waited for Ichigo to appear.

Ichigo slashed at Grimmjow's leg but couldn't even hit him that he was stabbed in the shoulder.However he used this moment to grab Grimmjow and head-butt him with his entire strengh.

"*Cough*You're good fucker.....BUT NOT AS GOOD AS ME!!!"

Grimmjow teleported behind Ichigo and elbowed him, he then crouched and used a leg sweep to make Ichigo fall to the ground.He got on Ichigo and started to punch him as hard as he could.

Meanwhile Orihime arrived in front of them and pondered if she was supposed to stop them or not.She was still conflicted about the blue-haired Espada , and she didn't wanted Ichigo and him to fight to death.

Ichigo smirked behind his mask as he pushed Grimmjow and jumped over him.


The projectile nearly beheaded Grimmjow who was tackled to the ground.Ichigo then stabbed his leg repeatedly, leaving no chance to escape to Grimmjow.

'Orihime...I n-need to know!!'Thought Grimmjow, he used a flying-kick to get away from Ichigo and cut his own hand on his Zanpakuto, he mixed his blood to the cero that was being formed in his palm, creating a blue version of it and using the blood as a catalyst.



Ichigo saw that the ray was going towards him and tried to dodge, however it moved so quickly he had no time for that.He blocked it with his Zanpakuto, which resulted in his arm being burned by the energy contained within the ray.


Orihime ran to him as Grimmjow gasped.

'W-Why do i feel so....Jealous?!'Thought Grimmjow, unable to understand why he was so attracted to the girl.It was clearly something that anyone would've understood but for an Espada, it was truly an unknown concept.Aizen did told them about Human emotions but they all laughed, considering that they would never feel any of them.


Ichigo clenched his hands and used his Zanpakuto to get up.


Grimmjow looked at him and had to supress a chuckle, that soon transformed into a full laughter.


They both lunged at each other and fought without any techniques, Ichigo slashed randomly at Grimmjow while the Espada, just continued to use his hand-to-hand mastery.Yet it wasn't enough, the more they fought, the more powerful Ichigo became.

"GRIMMJOW!!"Shouted the conflicted Orihime as she saw the Espada getting pierced by Zangetsu.


He kicked Ichigo and held his Zanpakuto in front of him.The sword began to glow light blue as he put his left hand up to it.He then raked his hand along the length of the blade, in a swift motion.

"Grind, PANTERA!!"

A torrent of Reiatsu was released, creating powerful gusts of wind.Grimmjow's appearence more feline and he had a predatory aura.His teeth became jagged and sharp, his hands turned into black claws and his feet became black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail that was longer than his body. His hair became very long and flowing, the markings around his eyes enlarged and extended to the tips of his ears, which became swept back and cat-like. He lost his distinctive jaw mask, which was replaced by a sort of headgear upon his brow covering his forehead. His clothing changed to become a form-fitting white segmented armor. He had blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.His entire appearence sent warning to Ichigo who sensed the danger coming from the Espada, but Orihime was too important he wouldn't abandon. her.Plus it was never his style to abandon anyone, he would always protect his loved ones.

Grimmjow turned to Ichigo and smirked.


His mighty roar created sonic waves, sending Ichigo flying and crashing into a nearby wall.The entire palace was being destructed by their fights, but at this point Grimmjow just couldn't care less.He had an incredible hatred towards Ichigo, while his love for Orihime continued to grow to unreasonable levels.It was truly weird when one was to think about it, she never did anything that could've lead him to feel like that.

Love is really a mysterious thing.


Grimmjow's claws glowed and he made slashing motion, turning his claws into long, sharp blades.


Grimmjow leaped at Ichigo and began to slash at him, his speed being so great that Ichigo couldn't dodge.The blades were so sharp that Ichigo's body soon turned into a bloody mess.

"I-Ichigo, Grimmjow...Why's it all so complicated?"Said Orihime, it would've been logical to help Ichigo, yet.......She felt that it would be betraying Grimmjow to help Ichigo.He had been gentle and nice to her, something that he never did with anyone else.She knew she felt something for him, but what was it?


Ichigo puked blood and tried to block an incoming slash.In an instant he concentrated all his reiatsu, and prepared himself for his final attack.Grimmjow did the same, tired of fighting the Orange-haired boy.



The attacks collided and creating a massive shockwave which sent both of them flying.Both were still standing while Grimmjow had a small cut on his torso, while Ichigo had a massive cut on his torso going from left to right "ICHIGO"shouted Orihime and ran up to Ichigo and started healing him.

Grimmjow saw this and his heart felt very hurt and made him feel sadness betrayel which caused something in his body that was restricted to break and the energy reached levels never seen before, which he didn't notice this as he was concentrating on Orihime. Unknown to him it made something in Aizen to react.

Orihime saw Grimmjow's sad eyes and felt her heart hurt and and was about to. call out to Grimmjow but was too late as Grimmjow used Sonido to leave as he didn't want to stay here any longer.


As Orihime saw Grimmjow leave she felt as if she lost a part of herself,She started crying subconsciously and thought to herself ''WHY AM I CRYING'' which she will find out in the future and then started healing Ichigo

-------------------------------------------------------GRIMMJOW POV ----------------------------------------------------------

Grimmjow had just ran escaped and he felt his stamina running out so he opened a gate to the human world, as he got there he passed out on the street and the last thing he saw when passed out was an old man coming up to him