Sooo as you can see I've not updated this story in a while well I've decided to give up on this story permanently it won't update ever again but Shelly's story will as people have already pledged to keep it up as well as my other translation from now on o will mostly post one chapter stories on here and turn it into a teaser novel where things are written and translated on my whim only I'm sorry if you wanttthis to be continued but I just can't if your one of my closer fiends or older fans of mine you'll this hasn't happened before and are probably shocked but I'll assume that most of you still saw this coming after my last update on my situation from the old site but yeah I quit working a long while ago when I was young to translate for Arlo"Edgelard" but now that patreon and fans have donated I have enough to only afford my bills and barely pay RICO my only editor for two novels so yeah this one is dropped I thank you sincerely for your time but it's over