『 』: The Kings of Elchea

Everyone was surprised from the sudden result of the coin toss, while Xiao Qiangwei rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled sheepishly.

Xiao Qiangwei: Sorry, it was a while that I didn't used my strength as a cultivator so I may accidentally used too much strength in that toss.

Sora and Shiro sighed while Steph facepalmed, then Xiao Qiangwei remembered something and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Wait a minute, the 7th Pledge was that all matters for group conflicts will be decided by a representative, there isn't anything that may say that the representative may be only 1, right?

Sora raised an eyebrow and took out his phone to check it, and indeed there isn't anything saying that the representative must be a single person. He turned off the phone and said.

Sora: Alright, then 『 』will be the new king of the imanity!

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Can I object?

Sora: Nope, c'mon Qiangwei, I am sure you will be a fine king!

Xiao Qingwei sighed in exasperation.


The three of them were in the balcony of the castle, Xiao Qiangwei, with a bored look, was wearing his crown in his head, like any normal person should do, Sora was wearing it on his arm like an armband and Shiro was wearing it on her bundled front hair.

Then Sora started to speak in front of the audience.

Sora: Ah… Un, un… Ugh, good morning everyone.

Sora was incredibly nervous from talking in front of so many people, which was fixed when Xiao Qiangwei slapped the back of his head to make him turn normal, Sora glared at him, but remembered that they were still in front of an entire race and faked some coughs.

Sora: ...Dearest citizens… No, every fellow human being here! Our humankind… Being constrained by the Ten Pledges, forcing us to have continuous failures due to the predicament of not having war, and what remains now is this last city, this last country… And why is this happening?

The people just looked at him with curiosity.

Sora: Was it because the previous king failed? Or was it because we are ranked 16th? Or was it because we are unable to wield magic? Or was it because we are the most inferior race? Does this equates to us feebly walking to the path of destruction!? Sorry but, all of them are wrong!

Previously, when the Old Deus started a war, deities, magical beings, the elves, orcs and other species were also involved, we fought valiantly and the result was that we survived! And in the past all the land in this continent was occupied by Imanity, so why?!


The entire population was just looking at him, while some started whispering to each other.

Citizen: Hey, does he realize that the amplifiers are turned off?

Citizen 2: I don't think so...


Sora: ...The reason why we were able to fight and survive, was because we were weak! No matter the era or the world, the strong will always grind their teeth while the weak experience wisdom! So why would we reach to such an impasse…

Because from the agreement of the Ten Pledges, the strong no longer grind their teeth but experience the wisdom! No other reasons! Our strength to survive comes from our patent schemes, strategies, tactics, which are meant for the weak!

But now it lies in the hands of the strong! Our weapons forcefully taken away, and to fight against the strong with the same weapons, caused this horrifying thing to happen!

...No one made a sound, until someone…

Citizen: What?

Sora facepalmed while Shiro sighed, Xiao Qiangwei shook his head and patted Sora's shoulder, who turned towards him.

Xiao Qiangwei: Let this to me…

He nodded and backed some steps away, letting Xiao Qiangwei talk, he took a deep breath and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Listen!

The sudden volume of his Qi-augmented voice stunned the audience, it was as if his voice could be heard in the entire city.

Xiao Qiangwei: What this guy was saying is… There is a damn reason you are still alive, just use that reason to win! Which is because we are smarter than those other races

Citizen: Ohhhh:.. I got it!!

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Finally…' Now, guys, what do you want?!

Citizens: We want back our territories!/ We want our fields!/ Money!/ Respect!!

Many citizens were screaming their wishes, and the trio of kings and queen in the balcony smiled, then Xiao Qiangwei started to talk again.

Xiao Qiangwei: Then we will get everything back!! From now on… We will be respected from everyone, the Old Deus included, and if they still look down on us... We will show them who is the boss!

Who cares if there is the 0.1% of chances, 0.01% or 0.001%... There is still a chance! And if I can't do it, there will be a man who will do it in future, but I promise you that I will do what I can to make us an equal to everyone else!

Then the civilians roared in excitement, but Sora was a bit disappointed.

Sora: ...Why it didn't worked when I talked…?

Xiao Qiangwei turned and looked with a poker face.

Xiao Qiangwei: You forgot to turn on the amplifier.

Sora: ...Oh…

Then 『 』turned their back to the population and walked back in the palace while they heard the screams of their people, encouraged and excited.


Xiao Qiangwei was meditating again, he was trying to reach the Immortal Existence stage, where his existence will be superior to the majority of the living beings in this world, in short, a 4th Dimensional Being.

When one reaches this stage, any normal being from the 3rd Dimension couldn't interact with him, for example, the elves couldn't sense him anymore, or mind controlling magic and something like these will not affect him anymore unless it's done from a strong being.

And the best thing? He can affect time to a certain point, like slowing it down, or decrease his own perception of time so time passes faster.

The First Dimensional Being affects only distance, the Second Dimensional Being affects both length and height, the Third Dimensional Being, where normal living beings are categorized to, affects depth too.

But the Fourth Dimensional Being affects time, and the Fifth Dimensional Being affects space, making it possible teleportation with a single thought, from there and beyond the laws of Time and Space gets more complex, but once you understand them then you are basically invincible.

Right now he needs around 2 or 3 days to reach the Immortal Existence, it will be a bit painful having the entire existence changed from the laws, but it will be worth.

But something interrupted him…

?: Yo!

Xiao Qiangwei opened his right eye and found an unexpected person.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Tet.

Tet: Hello again, Qiangwei. How's life going in this new world?

Xiao Qiangwei: Meh, it is good, still, it's boring not fighting anything…

Tet: Don't worry, there will be some creature out from the Exceed that will give you a challenge… Still, a cultivator? That was really unexpected, especially when I read about what they are…

Xiao Qiangwei: So… Are you going to kick me away because I could steal your throne by force?

Tet: Hah! No… It will be more interesting if you are here, and still, you have a long way before you reach me, even with your strange body…

Xiao Qiangwei: Strange body? ...Oh… You are talking about my Perfect Body. Meh, I will reach a level where I can go around the universe to fight again.

Tet: Haha! Good luck with that… Good night Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* Good night Tet…

Then Tet disappeared from the room, and Xiao Qiangwei turned back to meditate to get stronger.