Goddammit Old King!


After explaining to Sora and Shiro what happened and some introductions, Xiao Qiangwei used once again time manipulation to instantly go to the castle, losing 4 minutes, and started to meditate on his bedroom.

The sooner he would reach the Immortal Core, the sooner he would be able to go in the space and flying without the need of air. And then he would be able to travel in other worlds. But…

Jibril: Hey master! Is this how you get stronger?! What was that thunder you used against me?! What was that mask you had?! How did you teleport away?! What is that place you call sect?!

She was flying over Xiao Qiangwei while saliva was flowing out from her mouth.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Holy mother of God! I should have never told her to ask questions…' Calm the fuuuuck down girlie… Ask slowly.

Jibril stopped salivating and cleaned her mouth before sitting in a chair and talking.

Jibril: I'm sorry his Highness, please forgive me… The first question I wanted to ask is if meditating like this is one of the methods you used to get stronger.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, meditation is the main method a cultivator uses to get stronger, and at the same time is the slowest, by absorbing the Qi around the area, a cultivator can get stronger.

Jibril: Then, what was that thunder that fell from the sky? You said 'Tribulation', not thunder.

Xiao Qiangwei smirked and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Do you know why I didn't shared my knowledge with almost anyone? One of the reasons for it is because of the weight I would put in anyone's heart if I helped them get stronger.

The Heaven is not just a place, he is a conscious being, you can call it Heaven's Will too, and he is the one that strikes the cultivators when they reached certain conditions, like reaching the Sixth Nirvana.

Jibril: Sixth Nirvana?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, cultivators are divided in ranks:

The first realm is called the Mortal Realm, and there are 9 stages in total before the First Nirvana. The first 3 stages increase one's strength, the next 3 stages helps the cultivator to develop normal Qi, and the last 3 strengthens the Qi.

Then there is the First Nirvana, which can be considered like a trial before entering the second realm, called Golden Realm, when one reach this realm one achieved the True Qi, a stronger version of the mortal Qi, those are for foundation for the next realm, where I currently am.

Just to advise you, each realm except for the seventh and eighth realm are separated from a Nirvana. The third realm is called Nine Immortal Cycles, and that realm is the foundation to become an immortal, there are 9 stages before the Third Nirvana:

Immortal Sense, Immortal Existence, where I am, Immortal Body, Immortal Blood, Immortal Qi, Immortal Soul, Immortal Core, Immortal Life, and Immortal Ascension, you are as strong as one from the Immortal Ascension…

And so, Xiao Qiangwei passed the night to explain the things regarding cultivators to Jibril, from the cultivation ranks to how each realm and stage works, except for the 6th and 7th realms, sometimes he would talk about his past life without telling her that he was reincarnated.

He could tell her and Sora and Shiro, but where's the fun on that? He likes creating atmosphere around, and they questioning him about it is a good chance.


Xiao Qiangwei, Sora, Shiro and Jibril were in a round table, Steph was cooking something for Sora due to feelings… Yeah, not the best of the reasons but… Ok?

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright! Why you called us?

Sora: We need information about the kemonomimi kingdom I intend to conquer.

Xiao Qiangwei: …

Sora: The Eastern Federation…

Xiao Qiangwei: Ohhhhh… Jibril, any information?

Jibril: Certainly. The Eastern Federation is a nation with complex circumstances… Although they're all grouped under the name Werebeasts, even just separating them by their physical features there were countless different tribes.

For many years they had been locked in a cycle between civil wars and negotiated peace, a small country of islands with little uniformity.

The one known as the 'Miko' had appeared, pacified the country in just half a century, and now they had merged into a gigantic pacified maritime nation counted as one of the three world powers.

Xiao Qiangwei: Abilities?

Jibril: Well, obviously their appearance aren't just for show, their strength approaches the physical limit, and some of them are even able to read thoughts.

Xiao Qiangwei: Comparison with me?

Jibril: You could easily beat down 300 of the normal ones with Qi.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright…

Sora: Then let's pass at how do we take down the Eastern Federation!

Sora was really excited from conquesting a nation made of animal girls… The Anime version of animal girls, cat ears, tails, etc… But was shot down from Jibril.

Jibril: I think that is impossible.

Everyone turned towards her waiting for an explanation, which she gave.

Jibril: It is because I too have once gone to challenge the Eastern Federation, and lost.

Shiro: ...What... ?

Sora: ...Seriously? At shiritori?

Jibril: No, that device is here after all.

Xiao Qiangwei: It must be a game where you need experience for… They may be good in that game so they are stronger than others…

I doubt they have someone smart as you two, otherwise human countries would not exist anymore at this, they couldn't beat Jibril in many games, so they could have set limitations too… Jibril, do you know what is the game?

Jibril: No, one of their winning conditions is that the loser would forget anything regarding the game. In addition, the Elves challenged them 4 times and lost every time.

Xiao Qiangwei: Anything else?

Jibril: Yes, there is another country that lost against them… But I think it's better to show you. Of course, Dora-chan has to come too.

From one of the walls, Steph appeared, it seems like she was listening to them, even if Jibril and Xiao Qiangwei already knew that.

Steph: Hau!?

Then Jibril grabbed her while saying.

Jibril: Now then, everyone, please hold on to me.

Sora/Shiro: Hold on?

Then the sibling and Xiao Qiangwei grabbed on Jibril's clothes.

Jibril: Please make sure you don't let go. Now, let's be off.

The moment she finished talking, in one instance, they blinked and appeared thousands of meters above the ground, Xiao Qiangwei looked natural and started to fly for his own, while Sora and Shiro panicked.

Sora: W-What happened?!

Before Jibril could answer, Xiao Qiangwei told him.

Xiao Qiangwei: She used magic to teleport us.

Sora: Ohhh… Wait! How are you so calm?!

Xiao Qiangwei: I can literally use my lifespan to teleport somewhere else, we are in a magic world, the one teleporting us is a God-Killing weapon, and I seen worse…

Sora: …*Sigh*... Hey Shiro, how did Imanity survive the ancient war? I doubt they were cultivators…

Shiro: ...Who knows…?

Steph: ...That is a mystery of Imanity's history….

Jibril: Wasn't it simply because no one bothered to spare Imanity so much as a second glance? We of the Flugel warred mainly against the Dragons, Giants and Old Deus. It took around 50 of us Flugel to take on a dragon, and 200 to challenge one of the gods.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Basically 50 to attempting to break a kit-kat and 200 to even getting near to a damn child… I would say that if I still had my powers…' What is that?

Xiao Qiangwei seen a majestic tower, which greatly resembled the Empire State building in America.

Shiro: ...Huge.

Jibril: Dora-chan, please go ahead and explain.

Steph: ...That's the Eastern Federation's Elchean Embassy.

Sora: ...Hou, the Eastern Federation.

Steph: T-To be accurate, it's… The site of our former Royal Palace.


Something broke, and it was something in Xiao Qiangwei and the siblings' mind.

『 』: ...…..What?

Steph: M-My grandfather, bet… The Royal Palace... And, lost…..

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Hey Jibril…

Jibril: Yes, his Highness?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Is the palace the only thing that was bet?

Jibril: Obviously no, the entire area was taken over, in this decade, I heard that the previous king challenged the Eastern Union eight times, and lost.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...What did he bet?

Jibril: He bet parts of the country, the first was that mountain, then that plain, then….. And so on until they reached the royal palace in the center of the country, and the result is as you see now.

Xiao Qiangwei stopped flying from shock, and fell in the ground, creating a big crater, but he was unharmed and his eyes were widened.

Sora: Nonono, wait, back then that was the center of the country? Are you kidding me? He bet the country away eight times? Against somebody Elven Gard lost to 4 times? Imanity did this? That's just beyond stupid… Please stop with the jokes…

Shiro sighed, and Sora continued to shake his head.

Sora: Wait, wait a minute… Then Elchea's territory was over twice what it is now?

Jibril and Shiro nodded, while Sora place a hand to his brows and Steph became silent, Xiao Qiangwei came out from the crater and flew beside the others with a blank expression.

Xiao Qiangwei: Just… Teleport us away…

Jibril: Alright.