Explanations about the "Horse Race"

Sora nodded in confirmation from what Xiao Qiangwei said, and then Miko laughed bitterly and said.

Miko: This series of games has two sides to it, but when Sora mentioned the rewards for winning, the Dhampir over there intentionally avoided the two-facedness of it, so she didn't lie.

But even though she didn't lie, it doesn't mean she was telling the truth.

Sora: Alright, here's where the problem comes in… Why couldn't she mention the two-facedness of the game?

Before we reached the sea floor… The place where you thought you could seal Miko-san and Izuna's senses, you ignored the topic, why couldn't you just say something like "Amira said there won't be any risk"?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Because as long as she were to say that it would be lying… Right?

Sora nodded and glanced at Shiro.

Shiro: ...UTC 5/20 04:48… "Plum: Please save our species!"...

Sora: If the words "Our species" wasn't a lie… That would mean she really wanted us to save the Dhampirs. Which means… "Only"... Save the Dhampirs… So what should we do? Alright, so we have all the materials we need for the verdict, don't we?

There are three questions. And, only one conclusion. Are you prepared for this? Plum.

As though in reply to Sora's words. Under the light of the bonfire, the red moon and the stars. Five pairs of equally mysterious eyes each began exhibiting a unique glow.

Miko: Why would you avoid talking about anything related to the two-facedness of the games?

Sora: Because you can't lie.

Jibril: Why would you request for our help even if you clearly have love magic?

Sora: Because you can't lie.

Shiro: ...Getting to the bottom of it… Why… Can't you… Tell a lie?

Sora: Because if she lies… She would be exposed. What is the reason for doing this?

Xiao Qiangwei: The Seirens plan to use the Empress' hibernation game to feed on the Imanity.

Steph: What!?

She was the only one shocked by this, the Seirens planned to attract the full representatives of Imanity into their game in order to get new materials for reproduction,

Xiao Qiangwei: But… The Dhampirs took advantage of this plan to betray the Seirens… They plan to free the Dhampirs. Since Werebeasts were present she couldn't lie, but since she had another plan entirely she couldn't reveal the truth either.

Steph stood speechless, but as though requesting everyone to stop, Sora raised up one hand. As though to say "The fun has only just begun".

Sora: Alright, so let's all recall, what was the "Prize" if the Empress were to win the game?

Miko: Would that bet let Amira… Let the Seirens choose maintain their current situation over awakening their Empress?

Xiao Qiangwei: Would that bet let Plum… Let the Dhampirs achieve freedom if they were to win it?

Shiro: ...Regarding the survival of the Seirens… Something that could return the rights of the Dhampirs.

Sora: What the Empress bet was… Everything she had… Am I right?

Plum bent her head down while Steph inhaled deeply.

Back when the current Empress first entered her hibernation, she wasn't the Empress yet… Which meant she wasn't a Full Representative. But now it was different.

Now regarding the bet, as long as they were to fulfill the victory conditions…

...They would win all the Seirens had as well.

...Including the Race Piece as well, winning everything just as the bet implied.

Sora: I've deduced everything up to this point before we even reached the beach.

Steph: ...What?

Sora: But… Since I didn't have enough evidence, I decided to go to Oceando anyway. We don't get to go to the beach very often, so we definitely have to enjoy it… Which is to say… We brought you to the beach in broad daylight to weaken you.

We let Miko to fool around to test whether Blood Devastation could be disabled underwater.

We also took Qiangwei in order for him to use his Immortal Senses to confirm the location of Oceando

The strain of using Blood Devastation the entire day was partly alleviated by Shiro who was fondling Miko-san until nighttime.

We didn't wait for the Reception Boat that could very likely be a trap, and instead we proceeded using Jibril's teleportation.

We forced you, Plum, into a situation where you had to top up on fresh Seiren blood to allow us to breath underwater and part ways with us; while Jibril used that time to compress and save the air that we brought there;

casting extra preventive methods on Miko-san as well to prevent your underwater breathing magic from taking effect; Allowing us to meet Amira with her Werebeasts senses fully awakened.

That's it. Do you get it now?

Steph and Plum were both shocked to the point of speechlessness.

Xiao Qiangwei: It was impossible for you to not lie at all before the game started, since you had to make us swear everything we had on the pledges, and to expose your lies Miko had to be… In a condition where she couldn't be affected by your suspicious magic.

A magic that allowed them to speak and breathe underwater, and the caster was Plum, who was confirmed to be an enemy, Xiao Qiangwei would be a really big idiot if he really believed him that the spell was safe.

Sora: The Seirens and Dhampirs may be different, but have you forgotten? They made us bet everything we have on ourselves, taking part in both a horse race and a gamble… So we have a sweepstake as well.

...A sweepstake of cheating all of you and allowing us to take victory.

Ah, Plum, you're quite something, that's a strategy rather suitable for a weakling, no doubt a level of intelligence only achievable by the race that had all their power taken by the Ten Pledges.

Since even if Amira's evil plot were to succeed and Imanity were to be used as food, the Dhampirs could still survive, and let's say the Empress was actually awakened… What made the Empress fall in love was your magic and not us, so you alone won.

Just a disclaimer, I don't praise others, I just genuinely think that… This is a great strategy. But you left out one thing!

Plum: Eh?

He lifted his head up.

Sora: Didn't you realize? The problem here isn't because your plan was revealed, nor was it because you hid the fact about the true reward we receive when we win the game in order to free the Dhampirs; and neither is it because… Your magic can't awaken the Empress.

It was because Amira assured us that we absolutely couldn't awaken the Empress.

Plum: ...Ah!

Plum inhaled sharply, Ino couldn't beat the game, Plum's magic worked properly, and Jibril confirmed as well that the magic achieved its effect on the Empress. But she didn't awaken yet… Which would mean…

Sora: The condition to awaken the Empress… Isn't making her fall in love. Amira knew that from the start, as no matter how much you beg her she would never give you an actual opportunity to awaken the Empress, because it would be a huge blow to the Seirens, you understand that, right?

The Seirens that you've been looking down on since earlier… Even took your betrayal into consideration.

Plum: …!

Sora: If the game was only about awakening the Empress, then Jibril or Qiangwei could easily accomplish it, but it wasn't, so you needed help for something else… A strategy befitting of a weakling, an excellent strategy. But in the end it's all just futile.

The natural enemy of the strong is the weak, but the natural enemy of the weak is not the strong… It is the ones that are even weaker.

The personification of this term began to approach Plum dangerously, he crouched down and spoke softly and directly.

Sora: An idiot that knows he's an idiot… Is even harder to deal with than an idiot that think he isn't. Alright… Checkmate.

Now that the Seirens know that the Dhampirs betrayed them, they would surely devour the last "Hidden male Dhampir", otherwise called Plum. Which would result in a Game Over for them.

And after the Dhampirs turn extinct, the next up would be the Seirens. They need to find a partner that would allow them to carry out reproduction. But they needed the partner's life in return, so no one would agree. Just like that, the Seirens would reach Game Over as well.

Sora: Plum, do you know what the ultimate way to win a game is? It's to win without fighting. Even if we don't win the Empress' game, we still win.

Trying to beat the Imanity with a weakling's strategy, you all are too inexperienced… Rookies.

This was the moment that Plum realized, that the people in front of him could easily decide the future of the two species in a single move.