The Eternal link between Master and Servant

While everyone were trying to recover from the speech that he gave to the Empress, the ice where she was sleeping in cracked, attracting everyone's attention.

Soon, the cracks expanded, and finally the ice broke, leaving stardust-like pieces. The Empress inside the ice slowly opened her eyes, and stood up from her throne, meanwhile Xiao Qiangwei had his arms crossed and looked with disdain Laira.

She flapped her tailfin elegantly once, and approached Xiao Qiangwei, with a face dyed blood-red. And when she was in front of him, she…

Laira: I've been waiting for you all this time… My prince!

She fell before his feet with heart shaped pupils in her eyes…

Everyone: …...Huh?

Xiao Qiangwei: …"Nigga what?"

And so, he spoke again in chinese from shock, and Shiro tried to explain her intentions of saying to taunt her.

In reality, she used Xiao Qiangwei to give Laira a love that will never be obtained from him. In short, she was even more masochist than Jibril.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Hey Jibril, we found someone worse than you…

Jibril: His Highness, please don't insult me that way or my chest will explode…

She was blushing again and released a bit of saliva, Xiao Qiangwei sighed.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Thanks god I will take a vacation when we get back… Damn bitch.

Laira: Yesssss! I'm an annoying bitch! I'm sorry…

She was smiling blissfully while twisting her body from side to side.

Xiao Qiangwei: Good God…


Xiao Qiangwei was in his bedroom, in the room there were Sora, Shiro, Plum, Ino, Steph and Jibril.

He was crouching down the entire time and finally stood up, he cleaned off the dust from his hands and said with a satisfactory smile.

Xiao Qiangwei: Done!

In the floor there was a complex-looking array made from his own blood, they were surprised when they saw him using his blood and Ino held back Plum before he would try to lick the floor which would kill him due to the blood's strength.

Sora: So this should take you to Earth?

Xiao Qiangwei: Probably.

Steph: ...Probably?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yep, this is a universal teleportation array, however I don't know precisely the coordinates of Earth so there is a possibility that I would spawn somewhere else. But with my luck, I will be safe. I will return here in less than 1 month, if I don't, then it means that I'm busy or dead.

Sora: Oh! Then can you pick some new game that came out in the shops and 2 more consoles? If you can, pick some things from our home.

Xiao Qiangwei: I will, but before this… Wait…

Izuna suddenly opened the door and entered, however, she had a small fish in her mouth… No, it was a Seiren.

Izuna: ...W-Wei, there's a tiny little Seiren here, des.

The first word that came out from the Seiren's mouth, who was looking at Xiao Qiangwei, was…

Tiny Seiren: ...Pa...Pa…?

Everyone: HUH?!

Almost everyone looked in surprise at Xiao Qiangwei, who felt as if a sword pierced his heart.

Steph: Awwwww…

She was the only one who found this scene marvelous. Then Xiao Qiangwei, with a shocked face, picked up the Seiren which was at the size of a forearm and looked on her face.

Daughter: Papa!

Xiao Qiangwei hugged the seiren, it was the first time in almost 18 years that he felt this nostalgic sensation of hugging a descendant of his, he may have left behind his family, but if someone would ask him if he missed them, he would answer "Yes" in an instant.

He even missed his second mother, god knows what is she doing now… So knowing that someone of his family is with him made him really happy, even more so knowing that he became again a father. The only downside was the masochist mother… But she can be ignored...

Xiao Qiangwei: Papa is here, little brat…

Everyone else: Awwwww….

Xiao Qiangwei used his Immortal Qi to help the Seiren staying outside the water, and ordered someone to pick a container with water. He didn't had any question about the presence of his new daughter because he already knew.

Laira picked a part of him with his permission, even if begrudgingly, and used it to create their daughter. However, now he didn't regret doing so.

At a corner, Jibril watched everything with a smile and picked up from her pocket dimension her diary, or "Bible" from her, and wrote a single sentence.

Year X, Month X, Day X, His Highness gained a daughter and was really happy about it.

Then she closed the book and had a certain thought.

Jibril: 'I wonder when will come the day where His Highness' story will become a legend…'


After everything was fixed, Xiao Qiangwei said bye to his daughter, that he decided to let Laira give the name, his mind was too full of things to think about a name right now. Then in the room 2 people remained, himself and Jibril.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright… I want to talk about a certain thing before preparing things.

Jibril: Yes?

Xiao Qiangwei: I want to know what do you think about it.

Jibril: ...I don't have idea about what His Highness is talking about.

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* We are going outside this dimension, where the Pledges will not have any effect, so you are free to kill anyone.

Jibril's eyes widened, she didn't thought about this because she was used to not hurt anyone.

Xiao Qiangwei: So you will even be free from being my servant, you are free to do anything you want. Even if you decide to not be my servant anymore, I will give you anyway the array that will let you generate an alternative source to Elementals.

However, if you hurt the people important to me…

The atmosphere around the room became suffocating, and crushed almost every furniture to dust, however Jibril was unaffected and waited for him to finish to talk.

Xiao Qiangwei: I will not hesitate to take you down, with any means necessary.

Jibril froze for a moment, before she kneeled at his feet.

Jibril: His Highness, forgive me for expressing my own opinion, but you are starting to being an idiot. I promised on the Pledges, on my late Master and on myself that I will be always yours no matter the situation, it's obvious that I will serve you even outside Disboard.

Even if you ask me to commit suicide, I will not hesitate to behead myself.

Even if you ask me to give my body to you, I will not hesitate to strip myself.

Even if you ask me to for anything else, I will not hesitate to move.

I will do everything for my great and beloved Master… Just… Please… Don't throw me away...

Xiao Qiangwei let out a small smile, and his hand came over her head, caressing her.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Thank you, Jibril.

Her wings trembled a bit from excitement, managing to make Xiao Qiangwei chuckle, then he put a bit of pressure on her head and magically a 3-layered circle appeared on the back of her neck, it was a pseudo-core that generated Immortal Qi.

Unlike the core of someone who reached the Immortal Core, this one will just generate Immortal Qi, nothing more, nothing less.

Jibril suddenly lost connection with the Spirit Circuit, but she felt a connection with Xiao Qiangwei, and a new power flowing on her body, it was strong but it was obvious that it was filtered to avoid the corrosion of the body, there was no change on her strength, because her body could take only that much

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, ready for a new adventure?

Jibril: Yes, His Highness.

Xiao Qiangwei removed the hand from her head and grabbed her hand, pulling her from the ground, and then he brought her to the array.

He activated the array, which started glowing.

Xiao Qiangwei: Let's see where we will go…


And then they vanished…