

Hello readers, my name is Qiangwei, you guys know me really well because you are reading this "Good Novel", as the Author implies.

However, I will tell you informations about me anyways, my surname is Xiao and my name is Qiangwei, I came from a poor family and started cultivating at 5 years, after 3 years, I was taken away from a generous prince, who fed me well, gave me nice dresses, and understood me well.

I repaid him back by becoming his servant, I was only someone at the Mortal Earth or Sky, I don't really remember, anyways, I was looked down from other servants, who were at the Mortal Heaven or Golden Earth, and because I was small and I was part of the generous prince's faction.

Some time passed, and the prince was killed from his brothers because he was too naive, however I didn't liked that, because I was unable to do anything. So I escaped…

Much time later, when I reached the Mortal Heaven, I created a trap, the trap was really deep and on the end there were spikes made of Qi-infused steel, I hid somewhere and a really rich man passed by, he fell and I looted from his body.

The rich man was an alchemist, better for me because his spatial rings were full of good shit, which I ate like a pig, I didn't had much knowledge, but that shit increased my potential, qi, and strength, creating a pill-made foundation.

I continued my hunt like that, setting traps everywhere, so I didn't had time and materials to train in any cultivation technique.

One day, I reached a level where any pill I ate was stronger than it should, creating a Pill Sanctuary in my body, and some time later, I ascended.

Many other traps later, I found myself in the Higher Heaven as one of the strongest Outer Disciples, and I escalated the leaderboard with traps and the few techniques I learnt with my master, the Grandmaster Higher Heaven.

He basically fattened me like a pig with pills, helping me reaching a certain level, however I wasn't the classic lazy guy… I did my part too, by helping him in errands like assassinations, and helped him finding 2 Divine Rebirth Pills, from which he was really grateful.

And then… I died, and reincarnated as another man…

I came from a good family with a single mother, because the father was fucking with an AIDS-Infected bitch, she was literally a bitch, not an insult.

I secretly cultivated with my new perfect body, and since I didn't had any Cultivation Technique to gathering Qi faster, I was pretty slow if seen from a reincarnated guy's point of view.

Years later, I met with a cute duo of people, Sora and Shiro, one was a loli-siscon with high morals and an incredibly cunning mind, while the other was a brocon with low morals and incredibly smart, she had an eidetic memory too, and c'mon, who could say "no" to that face?

Soon, I joined their group of gamers due to my incredibly abnormal luck, and I always won against any other player, metaphorically and literally kicking their avatars away from the leaderboard.

After some years of fun, Tet took me to Disboard, and you know the rest…

However, I missed my mother, I missed my wife and son, but I gave up with the latter because they were in another universe, but I want to get to say bye to my mom at least, making her know that I am safe…

And then, here I am, observing a telescope connected to the house of the pervert that Jibril talked about, who was looking from down all the women's panties…

I just used my Immortal Qi to break the glass of every telescope in the city because I liked it and then I observed the guy's reaction, and I chuckled.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Well, I think that tomorrow should be the day where we could leave… Wait, did I fix the dimensional wall?'

I closed my eyes for a moment before I nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'I didn't…'

Whatever, I will do it when it is the moment…

Jibril: Qiangwei!

I turned around, and found a smiling Jibril in the clothes I gave her yesterday, then I walked towards her and asked.

Xiao Qiangwei: What's the matter?

Jibril: I want to try to date!

And so, the day I will never forget about will start with a...

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Huh?


Xiao Qiangwei: So, you read about it on books and computers…

Jibril: Yes, I heard that to increase one's bond with another person, and knowing him better, I should date him, I also heard that it is part of the Love category, maybe I can understand better my feelings…

They two of them were walking around, while being followed from a small group, the group was Mikako, Sohara, and Nymph, people who were involved to a certain point with Xiao Qiangwei.

They weren't jealous or something like that, they were just curious when they heard that Jibril would date Xiao Qiangwei, how would the date go between a real angel and a deity? This made them really curious, and in part was that they wanted to know what he really wanted to do here…

Xiao Qiangwei and Jibril were walking around, when Jibril suddenly asked.

Jibril: Qiangwei, what are we going to do with those stalkers behind us?

Xiao Qiangwei: Leave them be, I'm too lazy to deal with those 3 girls…

The trio behind a wall flinched, they didn't lasted even 5 minutes…

Sohara: ...Are we really that noticeable?

Nymph: I don't think so… I even made sure they would never find us by covering us with a forcefield…

Mikako: Well, he said that we could do whatever we want, so why not continue to follow them?

they two of them shrugged, they didn't had anything to do except checking that Tomoki is out of problems…

They saw the two of them entering in a internet cafe, they didn't need food so they just played at a game, it was a tournament with a rip off of Mortal Kombat, there were 16 players, and 8 couples, coincidentally, Xiao Qiangwei and Jibril were at the end of each side, so they could meet at the finals.

The first opponent was a fat guy, even though he was really ugly, he was really confident, and when he touched the console, he started releasing a strange aura… However when he looked at Xiao Qiangwei, he froze because he seemed to have encountered his natural predator…

Xiao Qiangwei:『』never loses…

It wasn't a conviction, it was a fact, the only people the trio can lose from is themselves, no one else, they beaten the God of Games too.

The moment Xiao Qiangwei touched the controller, he used his Immortal Senses to enter the game's system and analyze every combo there was in the game.

The announcer raised his arm and said.

Announcer: Alright guys and girls, welcome to the national tournament to decide who is the best player of Fatal Combat 4! You know the rules, no mods or bots, we will check the system if there is something not right sometimes.

You lose 2 times, you are out. The winner will get the title for the best player in the entire Japan and a million of yen. The first couple will be Xiao Qiangwei, a person coming from China and part of a mysterious group called『』, and the strongest player of the prequel of the game, Makiko Tanaka!

Everyone cheered for the two of them, Jibril did too, on the sidelines. Sohara, Mikako, and Nymph were on the spectator's seats too, curiously watching him playing.

Mikako: Did you found them?

Nymph: No… There is no one called『』on any system, as if they never existed…

Sohara: Maybe he invented them…

Mikako: I don't think so, he was able to manipulate space, and told me that soon he would leave, meaning that there is another world or dimension with lifeforms as intelligent as us, judging from his strength, probably they are strong too.

So『』could be a group from his world, and from his words, they are strong too.

Nymph and Sohara nodded at her explanation and watched the fight between the gamers.