World Piercer

...A spear.

Yes, it the weapon that Xiao Qiangwei was the best at wielding. He thanked his Lucky Aura when he started to twirl the weapon around with easiness, trying to feel some familiarity with it.

Jibril: I didn't know that His Highness was proficient at using a weapon.

Xiao Qiangwei: You should always know how to fight in a world where the strong rules, even a needle can be useful in certain situations, and I particularly liked the spear while I was under my Master's wing.

It has a long reach so that it can let me attack at a longer range, I can attack with an extreme precision, and in 1 swing I can take out many opponents at the same time.

Then he increased a bit the speed of the rotation, and wind stormed around, Jibril covered her head with one hand while the nearby grass was neatly cut from wind blades.

Finally, he stopped rotating the spear and slammed the blunt end in the ground without damaging it, and then Jibril could have a good sight on the weapon.

The weapon on itself was 3,5 meters tall, the pole was completely black and in the middle there was a part made of enchanted leather for having a better hold on it, at the bottom of the spear there was a small flat part that had unidentified crystals embed on it.

At the other side, there was a grey tuft coming from an unknown creature that was as big as a human chest, and the end of it was following the wind, finally, at the top, there was a barbed black blade that had a green line passing through the middle.

Jibril: Ohhh!

Xiao Qiangwei: I know, right? This is a really good weapon. I think it is at least an Emperor ranked spear, but it could easily be a Celestial ranked weapon too. Tomorrow we will find it out.

Then he played a moment with it by rotating it again and put it on his back.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, I will go home to study the weapon, good night Jibril.

Jibril: Good night, His Highness.

Then both of them entered in the house, while Xiao Qiangwei closed himself in the bedroom to avoid any accident spreading in the entire house. After that, he laid the spear in the bed and began using his Immortal Senses.

Xiao Qiangwei: Fortunately it isn't a Godly ranked weapon or it would have killed me instead of letting me wield it. So…

He laid his hand on the barbed blade on the top of the spear and took a deep breath, then he flowed Immortal Qi inside it…

Usually, the illusion of a strong monster would come out from a strong weapon that has a consciousness of its own… However, the origin of the weapon wasn't a monster, but it was a cultivator.

The cultivator seemed really old, as old as the time, he wielded a spear made of iron with ease that could easily kill masters, his Qi seemed ancient, but it was negligible in Xiao Qiangwei's eyes, who already reached a level that normal cultivators couldn't even fathom…

The old man saw Xiao Qiangwei and frowned.

Old Man: Who are you, brat?

Xiao Qiangwei: I'm Xiao Qiangwei, and I will not be referred as a "Brat", got it, old man?

He frowned too when the old man rudely questioned him and called him "Brat", tch… the elders these days, they won't give any sign of respect unless you break their arms just because they are old.

Old Man: Hoho, you are pretty arrogant, and I see that you are not a normal cultivator, so you reached the Lower Deity realm…

Xiao Qiangwei: Lower Deity? 'Now that I think about it, we are in another universe, so it's obvious that this universe has different ranks…

Old Man: Cheh, you don't even know the name of the realm you are in…

Xiao Qiangwei: Shut your trap, old man. It's not my fault that we are using different ranks, and besides, a weapon without master shouldn't talk like this to anyone, you could offend people that you can't even imagine.

Old Man: A brat like you shouldn't talk to his elders like that. Now kneel in front of me and I might forgive you.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Kneel? There are only 2 people whom I will kneel to, my mother and my master, you are neither of the two, so you aren't worthy of my respect, now YOU start kneeling, or I shall snap you in two like a twig.

Xiao Qiangwei could sense that this man was at the Godly realm and not at the Divinity Creation realm, precisely around the late stage, meaning that it was a high-ranked Celestial weapon.

Even though his current cultivation is at the Immortal Earth 2nd Stage, his soul is at the Godly Law, and this was one of the moments where he could permit to fight with his real cultivation, probably the old man thought that he was weak because he sensed only the strength of his body's cultivation.

However, he was too weak to sense Xiao Qiangwei's soul cultivation…

Old Man: Hahahahahaha! A mere Lower Deity thinks he can beat an Overlord Deity! You pest! I was the being that was nearest to God! I was feared across all the 9 Legendary Circles as the World Piercer! My spearmanship is to levels that it would put in shame the so-called Spear Deity!

I could easily destroy this world if so I wished! I was just interested about the only cultivator in this lower real-

Xiao Qiangwei: [Shut that trap]

The old man's mouth was forcibly shut down thanks to the Dao of the Divinity that Xiao Qiangwei has, now that his Dao wasn't restricted, he could easily erase the entire dimension with a single word.

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't care who you are, in this dimension, I am Heaven, I decide if I want to leave it alone or destroy it, every single life that is here is in my hand.

The old man tried to retort, but not a single sound came out from his mouth, shocking him.

Xiao Qiangwei: You are inferior to me, so you will obey to me, I couldn't care less if you are feared in these "9 Legendary Circles", I saw so much shit that it could make that place you named look like an amusement park.

In my previous Universe there were only less than 20 people that had the guts to challenge me, and all of them could burn the space itself in ashes with a single thought. Even if I reincarnated from being a Godly being and turned mortal once again, I am not to be underestimated, you understand?

The old man started to sweat from trying to open his mouth, even if he failed to do so.

Xiao Qiangwei sighed and walked to the old man.

Xiao Qiangwei: [Kneel]

And the old man did so…

When he reached the old man, he grabbed the spear that was stuck in the ground and used it to pierce the old man's chest, even then, his mouth was shut even with blood coming from his throat.

Xiao Qiangwei: Age is meaningless in a world where the strong rules, if you want to be feared, you need strength, not being old… Now, you will stay at my side and act as a proper Celestial Weapon, do you understand?

The old man slightly moved his head up and down, making Xiao Qiangwei smile, he took out the spear and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: [Heal]

Then the injury disappeared from the body of the old man, shocking him.

Xiao Qiangwei: [You can speak]

Old Man: Y-Y-Y-You… You are a god… Using the Dao of the Divinity… I heard that only people who surpassed the Overlord Deity can have a chance to use it… It seems that it is not just a rumor. Alright, His Majesty, I will be on your side and act as your spear…

Xiao Qiangwei: What is your identity

Old Man: This Junior is called Li Ke, my title was the World Piercer, I was the former head of the Li Clan, I am precisely 788'243 years old, I am a Overlord Deity practitioner, the highest realm known from the 9 Legendary Circles until I disappeared many millennia ago, since then, I don't know what happened there.

My talent is in the art of the Spear and I was the teacher of my grandson, who is called the Light's Bane, I have the bloodline of the Red Phoenix, one of the 4 Godly Beasts, besides the White Tiger, the Azure Dragon and the Green Turtle.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Talk about these beasts.

Li Ke: Yes, His Majesty, each of these beasts came from the Ancestor God's Era:

The Red Phoenix has flames that will burn anything that it touches, even the legendary Ice Phoenix itself can't even scratch it, unlike with a Fire Phoenix, which is the son of the Red Phoenix, the only restriction on these flames is one's cultivation.

The White Tiger has a killing intent that would make my father's killing intent like a woman's charm, it is able to use the killing intent as a solid weapon to attack others.

The Azure Dragon has a strength that can be described only with "The strongest under Heaven", one with his bloodline could easily challenge people that are 1 realm stronger than him, the only thing that has a good chance to beat it is the Green Turtle.

The Green Turtle is like a fortress, nothing can penetrate its skin except for the Azure Dragon, and even that legendary beast needs some time to do it.

The Li Clan is famous due to being the descendant of the man who was worthy of possessing the Red Phoenix's bloodline, obviously, with a bloodline from an ancient beast, techniques follow it.

I'm sorry, but I can't teach you any technique from the Red Phoenix's Combat Style because His Majesty doesn't have the bloodline, and I can't pass it to you because I don't have any drop of the Red Phoenix. The only solution is to find the beast and pass its test… However, I can teach His Majesty my Spear techniques!

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Alright, then I will present myself, I am Xiao Qiangwei, I am the disciple of one of the four strongest beings in my previous universe before I reincarnated, the Grandmaster Higher Heaven.

Li Ke: Higher Heaven? That's a pretty arrogant title…

Xiao Qiangwei: I thought so at the start, but everything changed when I felt his power… It isn't that he is worthy of being called as such, but it is his title that is worthy of being used… Even in my past life, Master was billions over billions stronger than me, he was at the limit of the Godly realm, reaching the peak of the Divine Rebirth and taking control of the entire universe.

Li Ke: The entire universe!?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, I am not talking about dimensions such at this, but the entire thing, the countless dimensions inside the universe, every lifeform living there, everything was almost in Master's hands… Well, I will need to leave now…

Li Ke. You are right, it is dark outside now… It was nice talking to you about new things, even though we didn't have a good start.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah...

Then Xiao Qiangwei left from the spear and turned back on his body, he picked up the spear and looked at the barded blade, seeing his own face on the clean blade, he smiled and laid it nearby.

Xiao Qiangwei: The World Piercer, huh…? Welp.

Then he got on the bed and started to sleep.