In a Dead Planet

Xiao Qiangwei and Lan Tian appeared in a wasteland, Xiao Qiangwei's eyes widened, this wasn't spatial manipulation… This is just rewriting reality, basically cheating… He used his Immortal Senses, and saw that he was in a dead planet…

It didn't had any trace of Qi, nor living beings… In his universe, dead planets were rare, but famous too, because they were… Excellent as arenas.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Master?

Lan Tian: Yeah, you guessed it right, you will spar with me.

Xiao Qiangwei: …

He didn't had a proper reaction to show, fighting someone who surpassed the Divine Rebirth? That is just asking to die…

Lan Tian: Don't worry, I will not use my privileges as an higher being and I will limit myself to the Immortal Sky 2nd Stage, even if you are 3 stages lower than me, you should be able to fight, right, Paragon?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, Master!

Xiao Qiangwei bowed down and took out the World Piercer before taking his own fighting stance and releasing all of his Immortal Qi, then he immediately thrust his spear at Lan Tian at the speed of light.

Lan Tian simply sidestepped at his side, easily dodging the spear with a bored look.

Xiao Qiangwei wasn't perturbed from it and retracted back the spear, before, like a spring, he repeatedly attacked Lan Tian,who dodged every single strike with ease.

While he was dodging, behind him there was another Xiao Qiangwei who swung his World Piercer horizontally.

Lan Tian: *Sigh* Child tric-Hmm?

He noticed that neither of the two were real, he recognized the footwork and his eyes narrowed before he jumped in the air, still with his arms crossed behind his back.

Under the ground there was the real World Piercer that almost hit his feet, then Lan Tian slightly tilted his head, before a beam came out from the ground, it was the second Golden Immortal Finger.

Lan Tian: Now that's better…

When Lan Tian fell in the ground, he stomped it, creating a giant crack. From the crack, Xiao Qiangwei came out, he flew in the sky and rotated his World Piercer in the air.

Lan Tian: ...So you didn't get rusty after fighting weaklings… C'mon, show me once again your Fallen Spear Style!

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, Master! 2nd Fallen Spear: Devastating Gale!

Then when his rotation reached the apex, he stopped rotating the spear and swung down, Lan Tian analyzed the technique and saw that it's power was beyond the level of Immortal Sky even if he was at the Immortal Earth…

Lan Tian raised his arm and easily blocked the tornado-like attack that was swung at him, the tornado seemed made of sharp blades since his clothes were getting reduced to paste, even if he himself was unscathered.

Xiao Qiangwei: Golden Immortal Finger: 4 Fingers!!

Then Xiao Qiangwei destroyed his own tornado attack and swung his Sword made of Qi at Lan Tian, who started to smirk, he caught the attack barehanded, but it passed through his body, surprising him.

However, his experience helped him to see where the next attack would come from, and raised his leg upwards. Where there was Xiao Qiangwei's illusion body, the original one appeared with his Sword of Qi pointed at Lan Tian.

He expected his Master to raise his leg, so he flew at the side of the leg and continued his thrust at the Master.

Lan Tian: You passed the test.

Xiao Qiangwei heard it, but didn't made any sudden gesture and continued his attack, then Lan Tian immediately twisted his body and kicked Xiao Qiangwei in the jaws with the leg he already raised, sending him fly away with a big bruise on this cheek and a broken jaw.

Xiao Qiangwei stood up, and took back his World Piercer while his injuries were healing thanks to his Immortal Blood.

Lan Tian: Even if you are at the Immortal Earth of the 2nd Stage, your body is as strong as someone at the Immortal Sky of the 1st Stage thanks to your Immortal Perfect Body, and your techniques let you use the power of someone at the late stages of the Immortal Sky…

Truly the genius I remembered back then, surpassing the children chosen from destiny who gained many different legendary bloodlines or magical items, and you didn't even used "that" form to fight me, you can defeat someone at the Immortal Heaven of the 3rd Stage, but beyond that is impossible for the current you.

Xiao Qiangwei put away the spear and bowed down in gratefulness.

Xiao Qiangwei: Thank you for warning me, Master!

Lan Tian: Stop being like a fucking brat, it's obvious I will make you strong, you are my Disciple, now come here.

Xiao Qiangwei smiled and walked to Lan Tian.

Lan Tian: Alright, I have some techniques I wanted to teach you, but you didn't have the right "Status" to use them… It is time to expand your arsenal. I saw that as your teacher for the spear art you have your weapon, so I will teach you 2 techniques…

The first is the Boundless Battle God, it is a technique similar to your Immortal Qi clothes, however, your power is tripled instead of almost doubled.

The second is the Dragon Cannon… Now you need to follow my movements…

And so, Xiao Qiangwei started his training with Lan Tian, they used this dead planet to practice the techniques and soon, under Lan Tian's guide and Xiao Qiangwei's knowledge in modern knowledge, Xiao Qiangwei mastered both the techniques in 1 week.


They turned back at Elchea, however, not at the castle, but in the road, where there were Izuna and… Tet?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...What the-

Izuna: Oh! Wei!

She stepped down from the chair where she was sitting and hugged Xiao Qiangwei's leg.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, yeah, I'm back…

He just patted her head in return, then he turned to Tet.

Xiao Qiangwei: So, how's going life?

Tet: ...I died of starvation…

Xiao Qiangwei: …

Lan Tian: He changed himself as a Imanity, and didn't had anything to eat…

Tet: H-How do you know that!?

Lan Tian: I'm literally you, but infinite times better.

Tet pouted in anger, and asked.

Tet: So, what did you come here for? I thought you would go to Sora and Shiro first.

Xiao Qiangwei shrugged and looked at his Master for an answer.

Lan Tian: Tet, I want just to advise you that I will be throwing him 6000 years ago in time, this is still your world and I don't want to be rude, so I warned you.

Tet: No, don't wor-You are doing what?!

Lan Tian: Wei, you go to greet your friends, I will talk a bit with Tet.

Xiao Qiangwei just cluelessly nodded and teleported away.

The next instant, he was in the throne room, in front of Sora and Shiro.

Xiao Qiangwei: Bu!

Sora: Kyaaaaaa!!!!

He got scared and almost fell down while Shiro started to tremble like a washing machine…

Sora: Q-Qiangwei…?! What the hell bro!?

Xiao Qiangwei: Hah, hello Sora, Shiro, I'm back.

Sora: *Sigh* Yeah, welcome back.

He put an arm behind Xiao Qiangwei's shoulder, but he answered with a smirk before locking Sora's head in his arm while he used the other to rub his head with his knuckles.

Sora: Ow! Hey, stop it! Ouch!

Xiao Qiangwei was laughing and let him go, Sora rubbed his own head that was releasing smoke, then Xiao Qiangwei felt something pulling his coat and turned around, seeing Shiro.

Shiro: ...Hello… Wei, welcome… back…

Xiao Qiangwei just rubbed Shiro's hair and grinned.

Xiao Qiangwei: I missed touching cute things…

Sora: So… I heard you fought against super alien clothes that wanted to be dressed from everyone…?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah… That's a long story… Oh right.

Then Xiao Qiangwei laid an hand over the clothes that Sora and Shiro were wearing and took out a red fiber, it was a Life Fiber.

Sora: ...What's that?

Xiao Qiangwei: It's the alien shit.

And in just a thought, he disintegrated those Life Fibers, then he patted Sora's shoulder and Shiro's head.

Xiao Qiangwei: So, from what my Master told me, I will go 6000 years in the past.

Sora/Shiro: ...What…?