Reginrave, one of the rulers of the Dragons

[1 month later]

?: Hey Wei, I was curious for a while but… How strong are you?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...I really can't say for certain…

Xiao Qiangwei was walking in a snowy land with a kid… It seemed innocent this vision.

Now think that the snowflakes falling from the sky could easily kill a person if there is enough, the kid, Riku, is covered from head to toe in a long enchanted black coat, and Xiao Qiangwei was covered in blood that won't just go away from his skin with the Immortal Qi.

When Xiao Qiangwei checked the human settlements, he found that there wasn't really enough food for everyone for at least 5 years, and there were too many adults and around 3 or 4 children.

He is a ruthless cultivator, but even he knows how to treat a child who lost his parents and house a month ago, so they traveled together until they would find a good place for Riku.

Sometimes they would play chess together, but it always ended in Xiao Qiangwei's victory because Riku was unable to see through his non-existent strategyand his luck.

Xiao Qiangwei: There's a lake nearby, I'll go to clean myself.

Riku: Alright.

Then Riku followed Xiao Qiangwei to the lake that he was talking about. Then both Xiao Qiangwei and Riku undressed themselves and cleaned their bodies, if both of them smelled, they would attract unnecessary attention that Xiao Qiangwei wasn't that eager to slaughter, because they are too weak.

Xiao Qiangwei: Riku, go to clean yourself at the border, there is a Seiren in the lake.

Riku just hummed and walked to the border, where he was mostly safe, meanwhile Xiao Qiangwei just continued to clean himself, naked.

In the depth of the lake, there was the Seiren that Xiao Qiangwei talked about, she ignored Riku and was gazing at Xiao Qiangwei's chiseled abs… What? She was a woman too.

She licked her lips before she noticed that Xiao Qiangwei was pointing a palm towards her, and closed the palm as if he was trying to crush a rock, at the same time, her body was reduced in dust in a painless and instant process.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, she's dead.

Riku: Ok.

After they finished to remove as much smell as possible, and blood in Xiao Qiangwei's case, they dressed up and continued their walk in the unknown.

Even after traveling for a month, Riku only managed to make a basic training for normal people instead of trained ones, he could at least match against children around 2 or 3 years bigger than him due the food they were eating, which had many nutrients, and to the fact that here the children are slightly weaker than usual.

Xiao Qiangwei: Boy, we need to seriously find a place for you, I can't leave you in the danger every time a Dragon passes by, and the last time it was a bit dangerous even for me.


While Xiao Qiangwei and Riku were walking out from a forest, suddenly, Xiao Qiangwei's eyes narrowed and pushed away Riku with his Immortal Qi before using the Heavenly Dao Shield around him.

Then Xiao Qiangwei pulled out the World Piercer and looked in the sky, the aura that he was sensing was as strong as someone at the Immortal Sky 3rd Stage, a yellow blur shot out from the clouds of ashes and violently crashed in the ground in front of him, before a feminine voice boomed out.

?: Little monkey, I, Reginrave, one of the three rulers of the Dragon race, am here to slaughter you, the human who kept killing nearby Dragons.

Xiao Qiangwei: I was hungry! 'Now this is a good challenge, it will be useless for my training if I use the spatial and time manipulation, and surely Master is watching me…'

Reginrave: I'll kill you!!!

The yellow dragon roared and a magic circle appeared in front of her mouth, ready to unleash a strong fireball.

Xiao Qiangwei couldn't permit to fight her without using the proper strength, so he used his Boundless Battle God technique. While he walked forward, his Immortal Qi exploded in front of him and flowed back, and when his was once again visible, his new form was revealed.

He was wearing a long-sleeved pure white coat that reached his ankles and had a ragged end, which was emitting particles of Immortal Qi, his pants were glowing with Immortal Qi too, his shoes were replaced with sharp talons that looked like real and gloves with short and sharp claws.

In his head, there was a white crown made of thorns, as if signaling that he was someone of high status, in his hand, the World Piercer was emitting his same aura, as if it was part of his body, behind him, Riku was amazed from the change he took, but he couldn't sense his aura that reached the Immortal Sky 2nd Stage from the Immortal Earth 2nd Stage.

Xiao Qiangwei: Come, worthy opponent.

Reginrave shot out a strong fireball at Xiao Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei: "First step of the Phoenix Slaughter: Flame-Tearing Talon."

Then he simply swung his spear at the fireball, and surprisingly it was cut in half, the fireball was split in two, and both of them crashed in the depth of the forest, behind Xiao Qiangwei and Riku there was a mighty explosion.

Reginrave: Tch…

Her claws were completely charged with magic and she started to fly, before she glided at Xiao Qiangwei, his eyes narrowed and used more of his strength.

Xiao Qiangwei: 1st Fallen Spear: Ascending Spear.

His spear was pointed at the incoming dragon king and shot forward, the point of the spear and the claws met, and the thing that immediately broke were the claws due to the strength of a Celestial Ranked Spear.

Reginrave was flung away from the strength that the technique carried, and balanced herself before she looked like she was glaring at him, then she roared in the sky.

Xiao Qiangwei looked cluelessly at Reginrave before his eyes widened.

Xiao Qiangwei: You…

Reginrave: Let's see how the bald monkey will fight against an army of Dragons.

He could clearly sense a swarm of dragons that was heading to their direction.

Xiao Qiangwei held the spear with both of his hands and raised it in the sky.

Xiao Qiangwei: Final Fallen Spear: Fallen Down!

Then he swung down the World Piercer so hard that the space itself greatly vibrated, the strength carried from the attack was took all the way to the dragon through the vibrating space, and something slammed on her back really hard.

Since she was someone of the Dragon race, obviously her physical strength is greater than her magical one, and her back, even if with many cracked scales, it wasn't broken yet.

The force of the attack slammed her in the ground with a great noise, and it was in this moment that the Dragons arrived.

Each dragon roared at Xiao Qiangwei in hatred, before for each one of them, a dark crimson magic circle appeared over their bodies.

Reginrave: Hehehe… Let's see how you will deal with 10 Far Cry.

Xiao Qiangwei: Tch…

The dragons charged their attacks and shot out fire beams of mass destruction at Xiao Qiangwei, who held a serious face… This wasn't easy to escape…

Riku: Wei!

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Joking.

Riku/Reginrave: Eh?

Xiao Qiangwei extended an arm to the incoming attacks , and with just a snap of his fingers, the attacks disappeared, he decided to not use the Spatial Manipulation for training, but he'll be damned if he is idiot enough to not use it for a life and death situation.

The next moment, a big explosion that could easily destroy part of the moon appeared really far from here, in the ocean.

The dragons, shocked, started to drop dead due to using their life forces for those attacks and from shock.

Xiao Qiangwei turned his eyes to Reginrave, who was beginning to sweat profusely in fear.


Riku: Yeah, but you solved it with a snap of your fingers!

Xiao Qiangwei: Look, I didn't want to do that because it will be useless for training myself, I am in a "Trip", not in a "Battlefield".

Riku: Alright, alright… Jeez.