Well, hello there...

[5 months later]

Xiao Qiangwei was on the bed to recover his Blood Essence, he needed 7 more months, he knew that the moment the war ended, he would be back on the original time, however the problem was that his power alone wasn't enough to do so.

If he knew that burning Blood Essence would give him so much power, he would have fought against all the Old Deus at once.

So he needs to wait at least 7 more months before going to hunt for all of them, he already had a plan, he would kill almost everyone of all the races and attract the Old Deus, when they will be grouped together, they will either fight against each other or have a truce to kill him.

Either way, he will beat them anyway once he used the Blood Essence again, besides, he just need to wait 1 year.

Somehow, his time acceleration wasn't working, the cause could be the Old Deus' presence in this world or his Master's interference.

For hobby, he checked the world with his Immortal Senses, and the results were unexpected, it seemed as if everyone was attracted to a certain place, mainly the Elfs with their allies… Does 6 Dragons count as a race anymore?

The Dwarves, helped from Giants and Phantasmas.

And the Flugels, who were alone, unless you exclude Artosh.

He was known in the entire world as the one who slaughtered an Old Deus alone, making the majority of the inhabitants fear his strength, and since then, the Old Deus of every race moved personally to search his hou-


A blinding light suddenly appeared at him, turning his attention from the edge of the continents to the neighbor.

Apparently he received damage, a small hole on his chest that stopped at his ribs, which slowly healed.

His house was reduced to ashes, meaning that the opponent surpassed the 1st Immortal Earth in terms of firepower, then there was this familiar feeling that he was getting from it… He stopped using the Immortal Senses and came out from the crater before raising his head.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Hello there.

?: Well now, I didn't expect someone like you to be here.

Xiao Qiangwei: Now that you know it…

He turned back to where his house once was, just to see nothing, and glanced back at his opponent.

Xiao Qiangwei: ... I guess you need to pay the insurance.

?: Insurance?

Xiao Qiangwei: Nevermind… You know what? I'll give you 1 minute, if in this minute you can't defeat me, I will send your ass back to Avant Heim, ok? 'Even if I know you for some time, I won't have much mercy.'

?: Is this a challenge? I'll gladly accept! I just hope that someone of your caliber doesn't die quickly. Oh, I almost forgot the good manners, my name is Jibril. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Xiao Qiangwei: This divine being is named Xiao Qiangwei, and I am the only human you will never beat, Jibril.

Jibril narrowed her eyes and unleashed all of her magic presence, revealing her power of an 1st Immortal Sky practitioner, she was truly completely different from the other Flugels… Well, I take back my words, once I turn back I will make Jibril work like a slave until she reaches her prime again...

Xiao Qiangwei: Stop showing off and attack, you already lost 6 seconds with this shit.

Jibril: Despite having less power than me, you are unaffected from my pressure… Is it an ability of yours? And what is this power flowing inside you?! Why I do not sense Elementals on you?! You are indeed an excellent prey! Hehe… He…

She had an excited face and started to salivate a bit, making Xiao Qiangwei sigh.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Aw shit, here we go again.' 49 seconds remaining…

Jibril: ...Ah!

She forgot about the countdown and quickly summoned a weapon with her magic before quickly teleporting behind Xiao Qiangwei, who just crouched down, doding her slash aimed at his neck.

Then she stood on the ground and threw more slashes at Xiao Qiangwei, who just backed away to dodge them all, this Jibril shouldn't have much knowledge on footsteps due to being fighting only in air the entire time.

Jibril: You little pest…!

Xiao Qiangwei kept dodging her strikes with ease, sometimes he would appear behind her after confusing her with his footsteps and illusions created from it.

Jibril was getting annoyed from this and started to fly in the sky, from the start of the fight, she lost 11 seconds trying to slash him.

After being high enough, she released some magic orbs against Xiao Qiangwei, who just jumped over them and vanished in the smoke that the orbs caused after exploding, she tried to look for him, when she felt a weight on her head and noticed that Xiao Qiangwei was sitting with crossed legs over her head.

Jibril: Wha-

Xiao Qiangwei: I guess you are unable to sense my movements…

Jibril gritted her teeth and teleported over Xiao Qiangwei, before delivering a kick on him, he just raised an arm to block it before he was sent in the ground, even if unscathered.

She raised both of her arms and charged two orbs, they were so overcharged that got unstable and fused together, creating a bigger magic orb, then she threw it at where Xiao Qiangwei should be, creating a massive explosion that generated a crater that was half kilometer big.

Jibril: *Huff* *Huff*


She felt an hand on her shoulder and turned around, before she saw Xiao Qiangwei doing a boop sound on her nose with his finger.

Jibril: Eh?

Xiao Qiangwei: You need more power if you want to actually injure me, be careful, you still have 15 more seconds.

Jibril: EH!?

She realized that so little time remained before Xiao Qiangwei would start to attack and teleported away, before glaring at him and raising both of her arms again, but this time she concentrated all of her magic on a single spot, creating a massive purple spear aimed for him.

Xiao Qiangwei: Heaven's strike, eh? Go on…

Jibril: I will use my 100% to take you down! I will never let someone like you going against Lord Artosh! Heaven's Strike!!

Then the spear, that collected all of her magical power, fell down on Xiao Qiangwei's head, but he just stood there and grinned, before he raised his arm at the attack, catching its tip.

Xiao Qiangwei's knees immediately bent down and cracks appeared under his feet, his hand started to burn from the sheer intensity of the power of the attack, but he didn't looked worried at all, he raised his other arm and slowed it down a bit.

Xiao Qiangwei: You need more to kill me...

He used all of his power, still not using the Boundless Battle God, and pushed the Heaven's Strike a bit away, surprising Jibril.

He didn't want to use the Boundless Battle God because it was just an overkill, and besides, he wants to see Jibril's reaction after "That".

Jibril poured more power on the Heaven's Strike, and it pushed Xiao Qiangwei back in the ground, actually making him fall in the ground while he still held the attack away, the attack started to glow and then it released a massive dome of destruction that erased everything that was many kilometers away.

A small silhouette fell in the ground after the explosion settled down, heavy pants were the only thing that was heard.

Jibril: Finally… I killed him… Now let's collect his he-

?: 3

A voice came out of nowhere, surprising Jibril.

?: 2… 1… You failed to kill me.

Jibril: Huh?!

She looked around before her gaze stopped on something, it was a crystalized white orb at the size of an ant, yet, it made Jibril's body tremble just by gazing at it. Suddenly, a huge pressure crushed her weakened body, and saw something coming out from the orb.

Bones… nerves… flesh… skin… hair… nails… eyes… Everything came out from that single orb and formed in a humanoid shape, recreating Xiao Qiangwei's body.

Jibril: No way…

Xiao Qiangwei: You are strong, I give you that, if I didn't blocked that attack before,it might be enough to destroy my core… Too bad you are still immature, thinking that I would die just like that… Even if I didn't blocked that attack, I had more cards that I could play to avoid damage.

A newly-formed Xiao Qiangwei floated over the crater where he currently was and descended, then he turned around and found… Loli Jibril?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...What?

Loli Jibril: You… you're still alive!?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...What the fuck happened to you?

Loli Jibril: I… I… I used too much power…

Xiao Qiangwei sighed and reached the loli's current location in a single step, surprising her. She raised her head and saw Xiao Qiangwei smirking at her while she heard his knuckles creaking. She released cold sweat and said in a squeaky tone.

Loli Jibril: ...Don't kill me…

Xiao Qiangwei: I said I would send your ass back to Avant Heim, didn't I?

[1 minute later]

In Avant Heim, Azrael was playing with some dolls, before she stopped and murmured.

Azrael: I wonder what is doing nee-san, nyan…


Suddenly, the entire Avant Heim slightly trembled, even more so where Azrael currently was, she turned around and found something unexpected… There was a lifeless loli Jibril with her head stuck inside a cube.

Jibril: Hmph!

Azrael: ...Eh…!?

Jibril: Hmmmph!

Azrael: Eh, Ah! W-Wait a moment, I will take you out, nyan!