Are you diseased with idiocy!?

Xiao Qiangwei: So… Who will talk?

Sora: This time I will..,

He walked towards the Old Deus and squatted down right next to the girl.

Sora: Uhmmmm. What is a god… What am I? Was it? Well, to put it simply… "Why am I born? Why do I live?" ...Pffft… Hahahahahahahahaha! What would such person be?! They could only be a "God-class idiot" of course!!

What is your head filled with? Jam!? Is it also made of wheat and beans!? Even bread has more kinetic energy, are you okay with that!? Isn't it obvious that if you just approached this with a different outlook you would've been hundreds of times livelier!?

The girl trembled a bit, and the cracks on the room spreaded, for finally shatter the room. However, Xiao Qiangwei held them with his Immortal Qi.

Sora: What, did you get angry!? Heeey, did you get mad!? Are you throwing a fit!? Hyahahaha!!

Shiro: ...Nii, this just looks like… You are bullying… A little girl.

Old Deus: ….Be, silent…

Sora: Whaaaaa!? Sorry, I can't hear you for your low voice!

Old Deus: I'm telling thou to be silent!!

She hugged her head, covering her ears and scattering her tears.

Sora: Haah!? After answering your question you are telling me to shut up!? Is this a girl's mood swings!? Are you the autumn sky!? Hey!! You were so smart you looped right back around to being dumb, girl!!!

Old Deus: Be quiet! Be quiet! Be quiet… quiet…

Sora: What are you!? Even though it's so dumb I'll still answer you, so listen well!! At the very least, you are not the goddess of doubt, I assure you!!

When the Miko and the girl heard those words, their eyes opened widely, as if asking for a proof.

Sora: If you really doubt everything, then why do you seek answers!? If you doubt everything, then the very first thing you would normally doubt is: Am I really the goddess of doubt?

Would that god really make such a face!? Would they get hurt, cry, get angry, and scream!?

Old Deus: ….Ah… *Hic* In that case… What am I?... Now that I am even doubting whether or not I'm the goddess of doubt… then… 'What should I do…?'

Sora: Recognize that you are an idiot! That you don't understand anything!! You can only desperately fumble around!! No matter how much you think, you can only find the answers for tomorrow at most! You're that incompetent! But you shouldn't care what others think! Isn't that fine?

Let's say this loud and clear: You're totally uncool!

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Then they say that I am the brutal one…'

Sora: Well, time to wrap everything up! So let's answer, shall we? Eventually, everything comes back around! Regardless of what you might be! If you go back all the way around, it becomes the opposite!

Then Sora extended his hand towards the girl and said.

Sora: If you take this hand, then you are just a lonely goddess of wisdom: "Horou"... That's be our answer. If you play with us again, you'll be the god-class beauty, the rookie gamer girl for whom I have high expectations, Horou!

Shiro: ...If you ask again tomorrow… we will answer that you're wrong again… that you are the gamer, Horou.

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey, decide it fast, we don't have all the day here!

Question, what am I?

Answer, what do you want to be?

She hesitated for a few seconds, before she extended her disappearing hand…

Horou: ….Horou…

Her mirage-like body turned back to a solid body, and with Xiao Qiangwei's assistance, they teleported back to the ground.

Horou: ...No matter how many times thou propose the hypothesis… Horou is still doubting even now…. Even thou… Even thy words… I still doubt them… Even so, was there a meaning to taking Horou's hand even now?

Sora: Yessssss! I finally took it, a low angle shot!

Xiao Qiangwei: Pffft… *Cough* *Cough* Are you fucking diseased with idiocy!?

Sora's phone proceeded with an unbelievable speed and took a picture from Holou's lower right.

Sora: I waited for the perfect opportunity! Just what kind of paradise was hidden inside that slit in your clothes by the waist… I've been so focused on it, that I haven't been able to sleep these last 50 days, but now, I can finally, sleep…

Shiro: ...Nii… that's not just…. 18+... that's forbidden material.

Sora: Hm, that's not like you, my sister! Just what law forbids pictures of a tens of thousands, hundreds of million years old girl!?

Shiro: ...It's against the misdemeanor laws… forbidding peeping photos… it's a violation of her rights to self image…

Sora: Ahahaha, that's naive, very naive my sister! Those are all human laws. They only apply to the human race! Therefore…!?

Shiro: …! They don't… apply to… a god…?

Xiao Qiangwei: Fuck it, I will wait to the palace, the original body will take my place.

Xiao Qiangwei teleported away, and another dressed differently came out the next instant.

Xiao Qiangwei: Yo, I'm back. So you are the little girl that calls herself Old Deus.

He head patted the girl, who spoke to all three.

Horou: ...Designation: Sora, Designation: Shiro, Designation: Xiao Qiangwei.

Sora: Yes, what is it? Also the "Designation" is unnecessary!

The Old Deus didn't know how to react, or at least she wasn't conscious, but her face was beet red from embarrassment.

Horou: Horou is still an Old Deus. Remember? ...So answer my question…

Xiao Qiangwei: You are Horou, what is there to question?

Horou: Then… Exceed rank 16… Lowest ranked race. It is nothing more than an assumption from an analogy, a hypothesis that might be negated tomorrow, but…

Hypothesis: The highest ranking race… transcendence will also come back around, so next time Horou will win against you, the lowest ranked race.

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh, apparently I am not classified anymore as an Imanity.

Sora, Shiro, and Horou turned towards him with a surprised face.

Sora: What do you mean?

Xiao Qiangwei: Since I broke through the Heaven-defying core realm, I stand outside the Ten Pledges, so I am not classified anymore.

Anyway, Horou grabbed his sleeve and asked.

Horou: Thou come from outside this world, right? In that case…

Xiao Qiangwei turned around, and saw Horou's dazzling eyes… Then a scroll big enough to cover the sky was spread out.

Horou: Thou will answer everything.

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh god… I shouldn't have come here...