'The meaning of life'... Is stupid. Now, what do I mean by that?. Do I mean that there is no meaning to life and that living is pointless? No, I don't. What I'm talking about is the very fact that we need something called: 'the meaning of life', I mean, can't we just live our life's. Why do we have to bother with all that philosophical stuff? And for your information, I haven't just been through a break up. That's not the reason as to why I'm thinking about this stuff. I'm not that type of guy, although, relationships are kind of poisonous when you think about it.
You get together with someone else and then there's a fifty percent chance that you will break up. Yet, that's when we're talking about adults, for people like me, who are twenty three (that's not the age of an adult, I'm still a child at heart dammit!) we have an even higher chance of eventual demise. You might say that it's the journey that counts, but what's the meaning of an journey were the end goal is to get the feeling of being punched in the stomach over and over until you start crying and goes to buy chocolate ice-cream but their out of that so you need to buy the next best thing which is vanilla, then you get home and remember that you forgot to close the freezer and now all of your Armageddon rations are done for... What exactly is the point to that kind of journey?
As I was standing up thinking about this stuff, I didn't notice that the hamburgers that I was supposed to be flipping were starting to get burned. I also didn't notice my manager standing behind me, with her vicious aura being apparent to everyone else but it's intended target.
"Max!, are you such an imbecile that you don't even know how to flip a hamburger?" I turned around in a slow manner, it probably took me about five seconds to turn around and face her. "Why did it take so long", you ask? Well I first needed to wipe away the shock on my face, so as to not be in an disadvantage. If you want me to describe how I look with my face in complete shock, think about a naked mole rat, but it's in complete shock because of an 190 centimeter muscular woman who has just snuck up on it, that's my face in shock.
"W-what is it m-madam Fritz" As you see, I still completely failed at what I was trying to do. "I didn't ask for a question, I asked for an answer, can you flip a hamburger!?" At this point my brain was just trying to come up with any excuse it could to escape this mess. "Of course madam, I'm a master in the art of flipping... The Hamburgers!" She looked at me with sceptical eyes, as if the two months I had worked her meant nothing to her. "Prove it, 'master of flipping', prove that you're the expert you claim to be" I started to regain my cool, I thought, "you can do it, think about all those barbecue party's at grandma's house" In this instant I realized that this was what I was meant to do in life. I wasn't meant to be in toxic relationships and I definitely had never needed to be a dancer. This was my purpose, this was my: "meaning in life". So I simply nodded and then turned around, this time in an instant. I grabbed my spatula and stared down the hamburgers, it was like a western and right now, I was Clint Eastwood.
My grip on the spatula tightened, and I prepared to fire my revolver against the intimidating 150 grams of meat that made up the burger. Then!, I drew my weapon and my opponent literally went flying. No, but seriously, I had been to quick and forceful, so the hamburger that I had flipped literally went flying up in the air. I saw how the burger went behind me in an ark and I noticed where it was heading. But it was to little to late, as I saw it soaring through the air, I could only yell. I screamed, "Duuuck!" and then it landed right in the face of my manager.
She let out an enormous roar, as the hot piece of meat hit the entire right side of her face. One of the employees grabbed the fire extinguisher and started madly spraying it in her face. This of course made her start to scream from the extreme cold and I just stood there, I didn't look like a mole rat, I simply had no emotion on my face. I had gone completely mad and chosen to just accepte the scene which was currently playing out in front of me. Only one thought was going through my mind, "Why didn't I just become a dancer...?"