The call!

Rhehan was touched by her words and hugged her back, happily! The two completely drenched love-birds, forgot about cleaning themselves and hugged each other for a long time.

Finally, Rhehan retraced his arms and looked at Rose's eyes. "Thank you so much for your trust! I will never break it!"

"I know that!" She winked at him happily.

Rhehan suddenly pounced on her, and locked his lips with hers. She enclosed her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. She fell flat on the bed, with Rhehan on top of her. Their tongues were tasting each other's mouth and their hormones were spiking with every passing second.

Rhehan quickly picked up his head and looked at her face. "Come let's take a shower," he said hungrily.

"Together???" Rose gasped at his words.

"Together!" he nodded, looking at her passionately.

"Ok! Just give me five minutes. I have an important work to do. Can I borrow your phone, mine needs replacement!" She asked in a deep thought.