
"Heyy! That's great. We will be seen together in public for the first time." Rhehan could imagine the curiosity that the people and media must be going through.

"Yes! I wonder how people will react!" Rose wondered suddenly thinking about all the aspects.

"You don't have to worry about people sweetheart." Rhehan shrugged his shoulders casually, dismissing her statement.

"Yes, I should rather worry about your suitors. Just how many will I encounter?" Rose had a serious look on her face. That eas obviously a matter of concern for her.

Rhehan pursed his lips in nervouseness. How could he tell his girlfriend that he had probably slept with all the girls that must be present in the party. The worst part was, the count was irrespective of the age of the women! "Errrrr ....baby.....actually...I...I....."