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Suddenly the middle aged monk came running out. "Oh!! Thank lord ! You are here! The old teacher wanted you to know that Rhehan has a very long life. He also told me to convey the same to Xio Lee. Xio Lee still has few days to come over here in jungle, but master said, it's an urgent message."

Elizabeth guessed that Xio Lee, visited the jungle often, while also living in the city! Wow! What a life!

"Ok Thank you! But why do I need to convey it? Actually, where will I find him?"

"I don't know. We don't really question old teacher back. We soon end up getting the answers ourselves."

Elizabeth thanked him again and not wanting to waste their more time, walked ahead on the cemented path. Suddenly she turned her head towards the monk, who was now playing with a small monkey. "If you don't mind. Can I visit more often. I love this place a lot."