
Soon a waiter brought a golden colored champagne bottle and two crystal glasses and placed it on the table.

The couple thanked the waiter and he bowed and left.

"This is one of the finest champagnes of the world. You will love it for sure"! Rhehan took the bottle in his hands.

They both stood up while Rhehan popped open the champagne quickly.

"Woohoooooo!!!!" They both cheered as the bubbles popped out from the bottle. He quickly poured the liquid in the two glasses.

They both picked up their glasses, as if giving a toast and looked at each other.

"To?" Rhehan shrugged his shoulders.

"To Rhehan Jobs! For fighting all odds in his life and becoming not just a successful business tycoon but also a very good human being! A man helping various needy people all over the world."

Rhehan was overwhelmed hearing the words from her mouth. They both raised the toast, clinked their glasses together and gulped down the chamapgne in one go, keeping it back on the table.