
Miso looked at the man in surprise, kneeling before her. The mightiest king of all lands, was kneeling down surrendering himself before her, so easily?

She looked at him, for a few seconds while Khufu waited for his punishment patiently. A sense of anger and revenge filled her heart! She looked at the sun angrily, for a few seconds and a large vortex, ablazen with fire surrounded the sky. She looked at the round shining mass in anger and looked at the man kneeling down before her. Suddenly, tears rolled down her eyes and she blinked, jerking her head sideways.

She turned her back towards the man, tears rolling down her eyes constantly. "I can not do it."

Khufu looked up in surprise! The girl had turned her back towards him and the vortex above him was slowly dissipating. He got up and walked towards her. "Why can't you do it?" He looked at her tear stained face.