
Cho looked at his sister in surprise. "But sister! You don't have to do that. I will not let anybody harm you."

"Just let me go brother. Let me fulfill the responsibilities of being an enchantress, just like mother did." Miso held her brother's face with her hands and smiled at him lovingly.

Suddenly, Dalilah emerged from the adjoining room, looking intently at the siblings. She had heard their conversations already. Miso smiled and bowed looking at the lady. Dalilah smiled back lovingly.

"Ok! Then! I shall go with you." Cho held her hands, as if requesting her.

"There is no need. Just trust me. I will be back by morning." Miso wore her cloak and stepped out of the house.

Suddenly she saw a man, riding on the a latge black horse, approching their house. The man had covered his face conpletely, revealing just his eyes and halted the horse close to the house. Dalilah and Cho too followed Miso outside, while the man stepped down from the horse.