Newly- weds!

"I love you too." Rhehan hugged her tightly.

The two hugged each other for a very long time, still embracing the happy feeling of being married.

"Come let's go inside. We need to change." Rhehan held her hand and they both stepped out of the garden towards the large lobby.

One of the waitresses who was present the previous night, saw the couple heading towards the lobby. She rushed towards them happily. "Many congratulations Mrs. and Mr. Jobs."

The couple stilled in shock, listening to her words. Mrs. and Mr. Jobs????? Is she referring to us??

"Ahem! Thank you so much!" Rhehan quickly replied, giving a warm smile to her.

Rose smiled at her too, trying her best to conceal her discomfort. After the waitress left, the two looked at each other in shock. How did they forget this part? The news must already be spreading like fire.

"Don't worry! I will figure out something!" Rhehan quickly signalled the manager in the reception. The manager sprinted happily, looking at the boss.