His little boy!

"Very good! We will plant these later. Come let's go downstairs!"

The two headed downstairs and all the time Xio Lee's eyes were searching for the boy! He is not here? But the bracelet can not be wrong! "Umm..Rose did you bring along somebody else too?"

"Ohh!! Yes master! I totally forgot. I wanted to introduce my boyfriend to you. His name is Rhehan."

Xio Lee's eyes widened and he was about to stumble on his own foot, while climbing down the stairs. "So you have a boyfriend! Where is he?"

"Oh! Master! He is an animal lover too, just like you! He stopped near the garden when he saw a small cub." Rose giggled.

"So he likes wild animals too? What else does he like?" Xio Lee asked happily, remembering the time Rhehan played with wild animals as a kid.

Rose thought that Xio Lee was wanting to know more about Rhehan because, he wanted to know if he is a suitable boyfriend or not. "Besides work, he likes to cook! He has been taught to cook by his old man!"