Who are you to me?!

"Hmmmm! Right! But how do you handle it? I mean, suppose, if you feel you are having a panic attack, what will you do?" Rhehan tilted his head and asked her curiously.

"I think, I will talk to somebody close to me. It's better to talk it out and if I can not do that, then, I would so something which I really love. Painting is one of them!!" Elizabeth continued to paint, while answering all of his questions.

"Painting helps you?!"

"Yes! It does! You should try your hand at it too. Just paint what you feel. Every emotion, good or bad, just paint it on canvas. Make sure you paint for yourself and not for others!"

"Hmmm! Ohk! I will try definitly. Thank you for the advice. Though I did paint, while in school and I remember being pretty good at it. But later I did not continue, due to my hectic schedule." Rhehan pursed his lips, thinking about his past. He has never really had a normal hobby, like other kids, except for cooking! Which was more of a need than a hobby!