All set...

As Mia was talking non-stop, Elizabeth looked at her wide-eyed, not listening to a single word. Mia felt like an alien, just landed on earth and being starred awkwardly by humans.

Suddenly a voice came from the adjoining room. "Aunty Lizzieeee!!! Where are my pancakes?"

Elizabeth who was about to lose her patience, suddenly mellowed down."Come here sweety! I have a guest!"

Mia suddenly shut her mouth and looked at the door of the living room. Suddenly she saw a shadow on the door and she quickly got up from her seat.

Elizabeth looked at the girl in surprise. "What happened Mia?"

"My...My...step-father died! He fell off a cliff. I have to go!" Mia sprinted out of the room, like a scared mouse towards her parked car.

"Huh?" Elizabeth was still looking at the girl in confusion.

Rose entered the room and saw a preceeding figure of a blonde girl. "Who was it Aunty?"

"Mia, but she suddenly ran off!" Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders.