Phra Basho...

"Wow! Is it really yours!" Rose looked at the band in amazement.

Rhehan smiled, looking at it and nodded in a 'yes'. He then carefully placed back the band and looked at chimpanzee. "Thank you for showing this! You have no idea what it means to me!" Rhehan suddenly pounced on the chimpanzee, hugging him tightly.

The chimpanzee held Rhehan's hand, looking at his bracelet. He touched his bracelet and looked at his face again. "Thank you for the bracelet! It is magical!"

The chimpazee walked towards the bamboo crib and picked up a large red colored stone. He walked towards Rhehan and placed it inside his pocket and patted it, as if telling him to take care of it.

"What is this?" Rhehan looked inside his pocket. The chimpanzee did not reply but rather kissed him and walked out of the room.

Rose and Rhehan looked at each other in confusion and walked out of the hut, following the chimpanzee. As soon they walked out they saw a middle aged monk, looking at them in amazement.