The ending...

After another half an hour, he heard the knock on his door and he got up from the bed. His face and eyes were extremely swollen and his hair were messy. He quickly opened the door and saw Raol, looking at him in surprise. "G..Good morning sir! Are you ok?" 

"Good morning Raol! Come inside!" Raol stepped inside the room, looking worriedly at Rhehan. 

"Sir! You don't look ok! Do you want me cancel the meeting?" Raol asked.

"No! But I have a task for you! I need recordings of the corridor outside my penthouse from 11:00 pm and 1:00am! Also, I am giving you a number. Do you remember that model Cheryl?" 

"Yes! Sir! The one who was in Fabiosa?" 

"Right! Yesterday something happened to me and she claims to have slept with me. Their are photographs in her phone. I want her phone to be scanned, from the authorities, if the pictures are morphed or not." Rhehan wiped away his tear.