Wedding pictures leaked...

"Sigh!! Then is a case of concealment, for example, one of the parties concealed a drug addiction, prior criminal record or having a sexually transmitted disease?" The magistrate asked, now looking as if he is getting frustrated or bored. 

"Hell no! Nothing like that too!" Rhehan stared at the magistrate wide-eyed. 

'Kids listen! I am not sitting here to waste my time. There is not a single ground which you fulfill. These damn photographs!!! Do I give annulment on the basis of this??!! I see rings!! I see proper clothes!!! I see love, happiness and kisses. There are so many people around you!! How can you ask for annulmemt??!!! If you want a divorce, that is a different issue. But annulment is not possible at all." Magistrate snapped his pen on the file, closing it.

"And sir what about divorce??!!" Rhehan asked in surprise.