The oblivious lawyer...

Xio Lee quickly sprinted towards his car, in his blue Karate attire, not even bothering to change it. He speedily drove towards Elizabeth's house, thinking about everything.

Suddenly old monk's words striked back in his ears. 

Since Rhehan can not trust himself, there will be another way to unite them. Just make sure the two kids stay together. Only then the boy will realise his power. You will soon get a chance in two- three days, to unite them. Make sure you use this opportunity.

"Oh! My God!!" He suddenly applied the car breaks and called up Elizabeth again. 

"Yes Lee!" 

"Lizie, do you remember, what old monk said, we will get a chance to unite them! This is it!! The solution to this problem is that they accept their marraige and start living together like husband and wife!" Xio Lee spoke happily.