Shifting to his house...

"Yes! Make a public statememt, that you were not drunk!" Elizabeth suggested.

"Buy they look drunk! Who marries sitting on grass!!??" Lillian frowned sounding unhappy.

"Then make public statement, that you both were drunk, for celebration. Wedding was pre- decided and wear you rings and start living together!" Xio Lee suggested.

"Do you guys realise, we just had a break up!!" Rose exclaimed in horror.

"Yes! We know!! And do you realise the amount of shame, you will have to go through, if you don't live together!!" Lillian snapped back. 

Rose pursed her lips, not speaking any word further.

"I had a word with my assistant too! He too suggested the same thing. He told me that it should be done today itself, to avoid any more back lash!" Rhehan sighed. The more he was trying to give Rose a space from him, the more fate was pulling them closer to each other.