Kiss you...

"Rhehan!! Offcourse!! How can we sleep on the same bed? Don't forget we broke up!!!" Rose exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah!! Married couple who broke up!!" Rhehan nodded his head in disapproval. 

"Besides, it is risky to sleep in one bed!" Rose lamented.

"Risky?? You mean I am too hot to resist!!? Rhehan chuckled.

"Stop it Rhehan!! What's wrong with you. You were the one, asking for divorce. You are the one who cheated on me! Don't forget. Now you are flirting with me, as if, I am your new girl friend!!" Rose frowned looking at the man. 

"Ok! Ok!! Sorry!! I could not help myself!" Rhehan spoke in a serious tone.

They again and again, had to be reminded that they are just doing all this for the sake of society. 

They both entered the beach house, and Rose's heart raced rapidly looking at the familier beautiful building. Never in her thoughts she could have imagined, coming back to this place, that too permanently.