The band...

"Wow!! You guys are so good at it!! Are you simply best friends instead of a couple?" The bartender guessed, looking at their amazing chemistry with each other.

"We are best friends but not simply best friends!" Rose smirked, winking at Rhehan. 

"Hmmm! Then you must be live in partners. They are generally this jovial with each other." The bartender looked at them carefully. 

"Yes! We are live in partners, but not simply live in partners!" Rhehan smirked, holding the girl's hand and kissing it. 

"I see! You must be a new girlfriend and boyfriend couple then. Old ones are not so friendly and fun with each other. They generally come on groups too, as tgey are already bored with each other's company!" He placed his index finger on his chin and its elbow supported by this other arm. 

"Yes! We are a new couple but not just girlfriend and boyfriend!" Rose chuckled giving another high five to Rhehan.