The trust...

"There life is not in danger! I would have known it, if that would have been the case. Stop playing mind games with me." James retorted back in an angry tone. 

Kareem sighed, thinking of other ways to convince James. " Jammy! Think carefully a out it. Why did you come here at this point? They are already gone for honeymoon, to some unknown place, then why were you summoned here in Bangkok?" Kareem took a big sip of his coffee, in nervouseness, looking at James's poker face. It looked like James was hardly even listening to Kareem. 

"I just came, because I wanted to! Alright!" James spoke casually, though in his heart, he knew, he came back to the city leaving behind all his work schedule, bookings and events. 

"You are lying! I know it for sure. You came here, because you can sense it too. They are in danger. In the same way, I sense it too! Their is danger! For sure." Kareem folded his hands, trying to make a point.