The danger...

The couple kissed each other shamelessly for a very long time, untill their heart's desire and then Rhehan carried her back in his arms to the italian counter, while everybody clapped for the cute couple. He made her her sit comfortably on the stool, kissing her head.

"Ahhh! My eyes. What a vision you both are. I can see it clearly. You both have always been meant to be with each other forever. I see several couples here everyday, some are just for one night, two nights or maybe one year. But you two! You two give different and give out strong vibrations. It is like, giving out a message of true love and faith. I am happy to see such a couple in the younger generation. It feels like, you have always been meant to be with each other, something like what you called a bond beyond life and death!!" The middle aged chef smiled, placing a pizza and red saice pasta before them, along with their respective wines.