The location...

The girls dressed elegantly in traditional attires, then welcomed the other guests with beautiful orchid clips, meant to stuck on girl's hair and men's side pocket.

Soon everybody sat inside the two cars, excitedly. The only person who was not seemingly excited was Raol, who was constantly looking at his boss in worrisome and curious eyes. He was sure that Rhehan was going to do something very risky, and Raol was scared to the core for his boss, ever since he got to know about it. He wanted to talk to his boss, but his boss was always around the lady boss, or with the other family members. He had decided to talk to him, once they all disperse and reach the resort. 

Soon the two vehicles drove on a straight long road, with a dense forest on one side, while a vast clear blue ocean on the other side. On both the sides of the long straight road, beautiful Arabian lillies were planted, giving an added mesmerizing view to the already beautiful view.