The beautiful promise...

The subtle first golden sun rays hit the blonde girl's silky hair, making them look like a beautiful fire. She was lying down comfortably on the pool chair, her face directly facing the sleeping boy on top of the adjoining chair. She frowned a bit and then took a deep breath, inhaling the morning fragrance of the fresh flowers around her. She smiled a bit, feeling extremely positive and slowly opened her eyes, still extremely sleepy. As soon her vision cleared up the first thing she saw was a boy's head not much far away from her own head. He was taking deep relaxed breaths and was in a deep sleep. She smiled a little and kept gazing pleasantly at the boy sleeping next to her. Suddenly all the memories of yesterday night with him, re- occured in her head and she could not help but feel immense happiness in her heart. The kind of happiness she had felt, only when she was with her mother.