Her two sons...(Climax 3)

The top hollywood actress, looked extremely beautiful in a royal and unique white gown. The gown was intricately embroidered with all sorts of beautiful things like flowers, leaves, words and even animals and birds. The gown's corset tube top was embellished with rare droplet shaped crystals which gave it a shiny and flowy appearance. Elizabeth wanted to look like a bride, who was the queen of the jungle and the Fabiosa designers, worked very hard for day and night to bring up this look as per her requirement. Each and every thing that mattered to her in her life, was embroidered on its flary skirt, including the names of all her family members. She had the longest net veil that could have been rarely seen on a bride ever, stretching upto several meters. Her striking pink colored lip- shade, gave her a very inncocent and fresh look, matching the flowers at the back of her head.