Climax 17...

"What brains you both have." Lillian exclaimed in admiration, while others nodded in a 'yes' admiring the two most sharp minded people they had ever seen.

"You keep this phone with you master. Obviouely you will be in the left part being the strongest so as soon as you are ready to face those men, you press the send button. I have set the time to thirty minutes from now. That should be enough time for us." Raol spoke in a serious tone.

Xio Lee inserted the phone in the pocket of  the bullet proof jacket he was wearing and then turned to look at everybody. "I think I will alone be enough for the building situated in the left. Stefen you can come with me, in case I need to change my plan of action, I shall require your help."

"But master just you two? Are you sure? Maybe one more of us should come with you in case..." Rose spoke feeling a bit uneasy.