Climax 23...

"Oh just shut up Jammy and bow before the king of the jungle. He is the mighty imperial lion, the ruler of woods from past so many centuaries. His better half his snowy while he is whitey." Lillian slammed the boy as she lowered her head in reverence as the imperial lion slowly approached them. James too lowered his head still not believing that all the chinese tales he had heard about the imperial lions were indeed true, and in front of him was approching the majestic male imperial.

All the lions hid themselves at the extreme cornor of their respective cage and their was now pin drop silence as they dared not to growl even a slighest bit. The three of them could now hear the hustle of the leaves clearly, as their was not a single noise coming from anywhere. Elizabeth quickly sprinted towards the lion in excitement and hugged its neck as usual in adoration.