Rose and Rhehan turned to look at the screeching car, which was rapidly approaching them.
"They are trying to kill us!!" Rose quickly took out her gun, aiming straight at the car's tyre.
"No use. It is bullet proof model." Rhehan nodded his head in disapproval and quickly held the girl's hand. "Run!!!" He shouted as they started sprinting side ways, trying to avert the speeding car. But the car had already covered most of the distance and Rhehan quickly jumped in the air. "Jump Rose!"
They both jumped in the air away from the car, when the boy's bracelet was immediately exposed to the sunlight yet again. The sudden bright rays were spread in all directions which immediately pointed towards the left part of the island.
Kareem and Raol who were speedily following the two people in the car suddenly saw the similar looking rays being emmited from the man's hand and they looked at each other in surprise. "OHH SHIT!!!!"