The first night...

Rhehan smiled a bit looking at the girls' reaction and then he gently brushed the flower towards her navel. He was now caressing her navel with the soft gentle petals of the flower, making her entire lower abdomen to tickle sweetly. "Ohh! Ohh!" the girl moaned as she was now feeling a sweet ticklish agony in her entire body.

He then brushed the flower on her nipples, making them instantly get hard. The girl had constantly clutched the sheets of the mattress, and was now moaning in pleasure. As the soft and fragrant petals touched her breasts, the girl curled up her back and looked at Rhehan with longing eyes. Soon the flower was once again touching her entire lower body making her go absolutely berserk. After a few more minutes did Rhehan placed aside the flower finishing her sweet agony and opened her legs wide, lying down in between them.