Her goodness...

The stunning girl halted just next to the reception and took a deep breath as if in a hurry. "Hi, I would like to meet Mr. Evlin Jobs."

The receptionist was stunned by the girl's looks and she did not even bother to ask about the girl's purpose of meeting him. She was still looking at her beautiful dress from head to toe. "Ah. He is in an investors meeting right now." The lady spoke apologetically.

"Oh and where is it held? It is pretty urgent." The girl spoke inquisitively, not able to control her restlessness.

"Well, on the fifth floor. You can take the elevator on the right." The lady pointed towards the elevator at the far end corner of the lobby across the working area of the employees.

"Thank you. "The girl smiled turning to walk away. The girl could feel the entire people in the lobby looking at her in admiration. There were loud gasps and people were by now gossiping about her.

"Who is she??"