The game begins...

Soon numerous investors had already started to walk out of the room and Sarah spotted Evlin, standing near the stage talking to a few men. The boy had a massive smile on his face and Sarah too could not help but smile looking at him. Soon the boy spotted the girl and he came walking towards her. "How is your first day going?"

"Pretty fascinating. Apart from the fact that I could not make out, what exactly I am supposed to do." Sarah shrugged her shoulders.

"Ha-ha... today the day is almost over. Tomorrow from 9 in the morning, you will have to accompany me for everything and also have a take a note of my complete schedule. You will also have to handle all my appointments." The man smiled looking at the appealing girl.

"Ah right boss. And congratulations, on launching your dream project. I am sure it will be very successful.'' Sarah smiled joyfully.