Emotional drama...

"I doubt that young man." The man spoke in an unyielding voice looking at Leo.

"Yes right dad!!" Leo sighed and then leaned back again in a sulking mood.

Ezra who was gaping at the boy already suddenly frowned and then looked at the two of them in confusion. "Huh? Dad?"

"Yes he is my dad. I did not want to react this way, but whenever I see him my antagonism rises. I had thought that I will just treat him as a client but I could not help it." Leo frowned looking at the man and then turned to look at Ezra.

Ezra was stunned and then looked at the middle aged man in astonishment. It was then that she realised that they both had analogous brown hair and dark eyes. Except for their skin colour, they looked pretty much alike. Their square sharp jaws, long and muscular bodies' structure, everything matched a lot.