Purifying Stage

This giant tech was called 'Maker Device Apothecary' and it was abbreviated to 'MDA'.

After that, he told Bella to place specific material and things in specific places of the Maker Device Apothecary's entries as Virus was giving complicated commands to it without touching anything, moving a finger, or giving any commands by voice.

The MDA seemed to be working by itself as different things kept appearing on its 3D screen.

A little while later the commands needed for the MDA to work and make the thing Virus wanted was given and all the materials were placed in their own relevant entries, now he just needed to wait.



The substance Virus wanted to make was finally ready as the 3D screen above the MDA showed a big 'READY' sign, of course, it was written in a weird futuristic language which Virus had long since taught all the four uglies and the golden beauty.

Under the ready sign was also something else written in that futuristic language.

The thing written under the ready sign was as such 'Done Making: Full Skin Cleanser Injection'.

That's right, this was the thing Virus wanted to make, Full Skin Cleanser Injection.

Before starting cultivation, there existed two stages which a lot of cultivators saw as unnecessary, although those powerful figures of the cultivation world saw it as extremely important as they believed it created a strong foundation for the future cultivation.

The first one of the two stages which by most was seen as unnecessary was called the Purifying Stage which consisted of eight levels in the Cultivation Multiverse of Qi.

The way this stage worked was somehow different than the future stages after the first two unnecessary or less important seen stages, as the cultivators could also directly bypass this stage whenever they wanted.

For example, Virus could directly bypass this Purifying Stage right now without paying it any heeds, or he could complete the first level of the Purifying Stage first and then completely stop and bypass it.

Or he could first do for example the second level, third level, fourth level, seventh level, etc. whatever level he wanted to reach or do and bypass it whenever he felt like it.

In the Cultivation Multiverse of Qi, nearly all of the weaker cultivators with lesser talent bypassed this stage.

People with more talent, on the other hand, those with stronger backgrounds first did one or two levels of the stage first before bypassing the stage as they couldn't find or be supplied with any more pills that would purify, as the higher a cultivator walked in this stage, the more difficult it will become for that person to find the relevant purifying pills.

Those with even more powerful backgrounds or with alchemical backgrounds or those extremely lucky cultivators could even go to the third and fourth level of this stage before bypassing it.

But the eighth level of the purifying stage was reached on very few occasions, except those peak powers of the multiverse. other people, clans, planets, etc. can not even find the seventh level purifying pill, now let's not talk about finding the eighth level purifying pill.

Of course, there existed herbs or other heavenly materials that did what the pills did and purified just like the purifying pills but they were extremely rare.

Consequently, only a very small number amongst those peak powers' young talents could breakthrough to the seventh or eighth level of the purifying stage, and other than them, those that were super lucky or were considered heavenly favoured sons could possibly come across such pills, herbs, or heavenly materials that enabled them to cultivate the 7th or the 8th level of this stage.

Therefore, the trouble and difficulty of finding and accessing these pills and materials was also another major reason as to why most people just bypassed the stage.

In the past Virus too might have bypassed this stage or done the important ones among them before bypassing it as he would've been bored and wouldn't have wanted to waste time.

But now it was different for him. The purifying stage was now considered very vital to him, perhaps thousand times more essential than how other powerful cultivators deemed it so in order to achieve a future solid foundation.

And that's why he was adamant about perfecting this stage before breaking through to the next one.

As the golden beauty saw the substance ready and read its name, her eyes shone. Perceiving this, Virus was a little amused inside.

But this was probably a natural reaction all women or girls would have toward this name which said Full Skin Cleanser Injection, as the impression it gave was like it was something miraculous that would make your skin soft like a baby's or make it whiter.

What was amusing Virus was the fact that when Virus made her skin, he had already made it very white and smooth, nearly similar to a baby's. Furthermore, she literally couldn't inject it to herself as she didn't have a real body, but her eyes were still shining which made Virus ponder exuberantly, 'She has the heart of a true woman alright.'

After that, the golden beauty could tolerate it no more and asked, "What is that master?"

Smiling Virus replied, "Its function is not only those things you think, it's not just for making the skin whiter and softer as it has a much much more important function, it's for purifying the skin and it's used by the future science and technology cultivators who want to purify their skin."

Hearing this, even though the golden beauty was somewhat amazed, she still pouted her mouth a little before uttering, "Still, I think making the skin whiter, softer and younger is more important."

"Hahaha, that's definitely how every woman in the world thinks." Laughing Virus Replied.

Then he went and got the ready injection from inside the MDA and just injected it to his right hand by his left before going into the bathroom. At the beginnings a little layer of black liquid came out all over his body with a little bad smell, but those things that came out started to turn yellow and even lesser and in the end, turned colourless before stopping completely after about two hours, now his whole skin was completely one hundred per cent purified.

The thoughts that came into Virus' mind after seeing all the filthy black and yellow liquids were 'I knew the material used to make my body was trashier than I thought, though the filthy liquid that came out was still lesser than what comes out of other normal peoples' body.'

This first level of the purifying stage was called 'First Level: Cleansing the Skin'.